Chapter TWO

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Colt Knox

Sure I've seen the Mafia princess, Mikki De'lucca before.. But mostly in pictures on pages of glossy magazines.. Occasionally during recon missions into her fathers operations I've caught glimpses of her, but never this close..

The woman is a real stunner.. With dangerous curves like a country back road, a girl next door look in designer jeans and a venomous tounge when tested..

She's already got my attention.. All of it.

I keep my eyes forward as she moves to the start of the lineup, assessing the first of the security guys who made it through her fathers rigours background checks..

Checks that I should definitely not have passed.. But since I work for an elite security firm known as Specter, any checks done on me would only reveal exactly what De'lucca would want to find.. That I'm the perfect guy for the job..

"What's your name then, big guy?.." She asks playfully, the guy is practically buzzing from the amount of juice he's clearly been pumping..

"Maeson Jennings, Miss.." He barks out his response, way too aggressively..

She sweeps a slow assessing gaze over him.. "And what makes you special, Maeson?.."

The guy shifts on his feet, obviously not expecting her question.. "Uh.. I'm an MMA fighter.."

She sighs, disappointedly.. "Of course you are, babe.."

And just like that she is done with him.. Moving down the line, she stops to look over the next guy.. Barely giving him five seconds of her attention before dismissing him entirely.. "Nope.."

I almost snort at her ruthlessly cold indifference, she is the kind of woman who knows what she doesnt want.

She moves to the young guy next me.. She grins, reaching out, running a finger down his chest slowly.. It kind of seems like she is teasing the poor kid.. I assume her comment is referring to the fellas tattoos.. "These are pretty.."

The kid shrugs.. Clearly her use of the word "pretty" offending is conflated ideals of masculinity, challenges his fragile ego causing him to bristle defensively.. "Yeah.. Right.."

I can't help it, I grin.. Shes fucking with us.. All of us and I gotta give it to the girl, she's damn funny..

Her sparkling, cider green eyes snap to me and she arches a delicate brow in interest, taking another step closer to stand in front of me..

God damn.. She's real fucking gorgeous and she smells like bubblegum candy..

So I smile at her.. "Howdy mam'.."

She is momentarily taken aback the second I open my mouth, most people are when they hear my thick Alabama accent, but a sly smile soon tugs at the edges of her pouty, red painted lips..

Lips I immediately picture wrapped around my cock.. Yeah.. That'd be a real pretty sight..

"Well, how--dy.." She reaches up taking my jaw in a harsh grip between her delicate fingers, turning my face to the side so that she can inspect my profile, like one would check a prized stallion for sale..

The move is such a power play.. Dominant and commanding.. She wants to see how I will react.. If I'll tolerate her taking control, or snap..

Honestly, I don't give a shit, she can boss me around all damn day.. I'm here for it..

"What's your name, cowboy?.." She purrs..

"Knox, mam'.. Colt Knox.."

She let's go of my chin, trailing her fingertips down my neck to rest lightly over my tattooed shoulder as I turn back to her.. "You're a big guy, Knox.. Think you could keep me safe?.." She blinks up at me from beneath thick, dark lashes..

Im not sure if she wants the truth or if she wants a safe generic response.. But instead, I decide to take a different approach.. Because I'm pretty certain she is flirting with me right now.."I don't think you need anybody to keep ya safe.. But I'd sure enjoy watchin' your back.. Mam'.."

She laughs.. Velvety and smooth.. The sound melts into my ears like ribbons of sticky, sweet golden syrup.. Soft and sugary..

"This one.. This is the one.." She proclaims with certainty as she points to my chest, turning back to her father.. He simply shrugs..

She was always going to pick me.. And we both knew it from the second she walked in the room..

Angelo nods, "Fine.. The rest of you, leave now.. Mr Knox?.. If you would so kindly accompany my daughter for the evening, we can get to the business of discussing your salary when you bring her home safely... And once I'm sure your novelty doesn't wear off and she hasn't changed her mind about you.."

I nod.. "Yes, sir.."

He turns and exits the room, leaving me with Mikki and her cousin, who I know little about other than his parents are dead and he hasn't had a whole lot to do with the family business since..

Mostly he just smokes weed, parties on the mafias dime and plays video games.. A sweet life for some, maybe..

Mikki looks at me.. "You can put your shirt back on, Mr Knox.. And Im sorry for all of this.. That was so rude of my father.. And of me.."

Its like with her father gone, a switch has flipped in her, now she is softly spoken, nice even.. "Its not a problem, mam'.. N' you can call me Colt.." I take the plain black t-shirt that is tucked into my back pocket and pull it over my head..

Mikki steps forward and extends her hand politely.. "I'm Mikki.. Its nice to meet you Colt.. But.. I really don't need a bodyguard.."

I don't know if she is expecting me to accept that, of she thinks I'll just quit..

But I can't.. So instead, I smile at her, and do my best to put her at ease..
"That sure makes my job mighty easy then, don't it, Mikki.."

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