Chapter 13

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"Looking at the ocean together is fun Isn't it?" Yeo-Ryeong said enthusiastically at Dan-I and Hye-Na.

"Yeah, It's so relaxing," Dan-I said to Yeo-Ryeong.

"Yeah... It's been quite a while since I stroll around, I feel so refreshed just by looking at the scenery~" Hye-Na said as stretched her back happily.

"Are we just invincible to you three?" Ji-Ho asked while Chun-Young, Eun-Hyung, and Ju-In are standing behind him.

"Oh, It's Eun Ji-Ho. Since when have you been standing there?" Yeo-Ryeong said as she nonchalantly looking at Ji-Ho.

"I know right," Dan-I said while looking at Ji-Ho with the same nonchalant expression as Yeo-Ryeong.

"Do I know you old man?" Hye-Na emotionlessly asked Ji-Ho as if she doesn't know him.

"You ugh!-" Ji-Ho's words were suddenly interrupted by Ju-In who aggressively jumped onto Ji-Ho's back.

"Let's go to the convenience store already! I want to eat ramyeon while enjoying the ocean breeze!!" Ju-In said with an enthusiastic tone

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"Let's go to the convenience store already! I want to eat ramyeon while enjoying the ocean breeze!!" Ju-In said with an enthusiastic tone.

"Get off me of me, Wo Ju-In..." Ji-Ho said as he trying to hold Ju-In's weight.

"Chun-Young and I haven't had breakfast yet, what about you guys?" Eun-Hyung asked Dan-I, Hye-Na, and Yeo-Ryeong.

"I need to go to the restroom, I hope there's one in the convenience store," Dan-I said as she walks towards the four guys.

"I still want to stroll around a bit, what about you Yeo-Ryeong?" Hye-Na asked Yeo-Ryeong.

"I can't let you stroll alone, so can you get ours as well?" Yeo-Ryeong asked as she clings onto Hye-Na's right arm.

"Sure, I know both of your favorite ramyeon flavors after all" Dan-I said to Hye-Na and Yeo-Ryeong.

"We'll be right back!!" Ju-In said as he still clinging onto Ji-Ho's back.

As Hye-Na and Yeo-Ryeong stroll around the beach, Yeo-Ryeong suddenly sneezed and rubbed her hands together. Seeing Yeo-Ryeong being cold, Hye-Na took off her gloves and put them onto Yeo-Ryeong's hands.

"Here you can use my gloves, I don't want you to catch a cold" Hye-Na to Yeo-Ryeong.

After hearing what Hye-Na said, Yeo-Ryeong clings onto her more and said, "Hye-Na~♡".

I swear this girl is such a cinnamon bun sometimes Hye-Na thought as looks at Yeo-Ryeong lovingly. And as they continue their walk, three thugs suddenly blocking their way.

 And as they continue their walk, three thugs suddenly blocking their way

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Mariposa (Inso's Law Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora