Chapter 11

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"Again, thanks for the comfort Yeo-Dan. I'll make sure to tell my parents about it, they deserve to know after all". Hye-Na said.

"Want me to tell them about it?" Yeo-Dan asked Hye-Na.

"No, I need to tell them myself. But, I would be lying if I didn't feel like I'll be a burden to them if I tell them about it." Hye-Na said as she looked down if a sad smile.

"Why do you think so?" Yeo-Dan asked Hye-Na with a worried tone.

"They've done so much for me despite how busy they are, I don't want to put more stress on them by telling them my problem," Hye-Na said while still looking down.

Hearing Hye-Na's words, Yeo-Dan put both of his hands on Hye-Na's cheeks and lift her face up for her to face him,

"Hye-Na... They're you're parents. If they truly care about you, they won't think of your problem 

as a burden to them." Yeo-Dan said while looking in intently at Hye-Na.

After hearing Yeo-Dan's words, Hye-Na smiled and nodded "Yeah, you're right. It was silly of me to doubt my own parents who have been nothing but showering me with love and care." Hye-Na said as she releases her cheeks from Yeo-Dan's hands.

"Good, see you tomorrow Hye-Na," Yeo-Dan said as he walks towards his apartment.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Hye-Na said entered her apartment.


I wonder when will they got home Hye-Na thought as she's cooking fried rice in the kitchen

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I wonder when will they got home Hye-Na thought as she's cooking fried rice in the kitchen.


Hearing the doorbell rang, Hye-Na turns off the stove and goes to the front to open the door and saw her parents smiling at her tiredly.

"We're home Hye-Na," Her father said as took off his shoes.

"Welco-... are you guys ok? have you guys eaten anything?" Hye-Na asked with a concerned tone as she looks at how tired her parents looked.

"Yeah, we had a lot of patients today and we haven't eaten dinner yet," Her mother said as walk towards Hye-Na.

"Speaking of dinner, *sniff* Something smells good," Her father said as he smells the room.

"I haven't had dinner yet so I'm making some fried rice, I make extra so lets it together," Hye-Na said as she walks towards the kitchen with her parents behind her.

"You're a life savior sweety, thank you for the food," Her mother said as she eats the fried rice that Hye-Na has served her.

As the three of them eat, Hye-Na is busy thinking about how will she tell her parents about how she's being stalked.

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