Chapter 5

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After Hye-Na finished crying her hearts out, she and her parents sat back at the dinner table. Trying to lift up the mood, Her mother opened the cake box and took out one of the chocolate lava cakes, and serve it to Hye-Na "Enough with the sad face, here eat the chocolate cake. We bought it for you remember?" her mother said to Hye-Na. I shouldn't worry them even more after all that crying, I hope the chocolate can lift up my mood Hye-Na thought as she picks up the fork on the table and cut the lava cake in half, the melted chocolate oozes out of the cake.

 I shouldn't worry them even more after all that crying, I hope the chocolate can lift up my mood Hye-Na thought as she picks up the fork on the table and cut the lava cake in half, the melted chocolate oozes out of the cake

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After Hye-Na took a bite of the cake, the sweet flavor of the chocolate puts her heart and mind at ease. It's delicious Hye-Na thought as she unconsciously smiled and took another bite of the lava cake. Seeing her smile, her father starts to initiate a conversation with her "Oh yeah, I met one of your classmates at the hospital today" Her father said. " Really, who?" Hye-Na asked curiously If it's who I think it is, then... Hye-Na thought was interrupted by her father's words "His name is Kwon Eun-Hyung, he's actually the son of one of my recent patients. I met him when he visited his father this evening. He introduced himself to me and said that you two talk with each other this morning with Yeo-Ryeong" her father said to her. I knew it, Of course, it's gonna be one of 'em Hye-Na sighed internally while trying to answer her father "Yeah, he helped me and Yeo-Ryeong find our class on the school's bulletin board cause it was very hectic and we couldn't see our names. And it turns out, we're in the same class" Hye-Na explained to her father. "He seemed like a nice boy, you should invite him here sometimes. " her mother said "Yeah...sure..." Hye-Na answered awkwardly To be honest, I rather not. His glowing face is too bright for my mental capacity to handle for more than 5 minutes ('-ω-`)))。。.

Timeskip, 07.30 AM

Well, guess I wake up earlier today. But, I should still pick up Yeo-Ryeong cause I have a feeling that Dan-I will still try ignoring Yeo-Ryeong. Even though I already told her not to be too dramatic about all of this and just tried to adapt Hye-Na said as she looks at the time on her phone. Going into the kitchen, she saw her mother making breakfast while her father is drinking coffee while watching the morning news on the television. Realizing her presence, her mother turned towards Hye-Na and greets her "Morning dear. You're just in time, I just finished making your breakfast so eat up, ok?" Her mother said as she served Hye-Na her breakfast.

 You're just in time, I just finished making your breakfast so eat up, ok?" Her mother said as she served Hye-Na her breakfast

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"Thank you for the food mom. But, shouldn't you guys go to work now?. It's almost 8 AM" Hye-Na said as she starts eating the breakfast that her mother had prepared for her. "We have a night shift today, so don't worry. Oh yeah, before I forgot" her mother said to Hye-Na as she gives Hye-Na a paper bag filled with empty Tupperwares "Can you give these Tupperwares back to Yeo-Ryeong's mother?" her mother said. "Sure, I'll do it," Hye-Na said to her mom. After she finished with her breakfast, Hye-Na put on her shoes near the front door and turns her head to her parents "I'm off to school, ok?" Hye-Na said to her parents, Her father smiled at Hye-Na and said "Have fun dear, we love you". After hearing his words, Hye-Na felt shocked for a second due to the unfamiliar warm feeling she felt in her heart. But, despite all that, she smiled at her parents warmly "I love you guys too, good luck on your night shift." Hye-Na said as she went out of the apartment.

After she went out of her apartment, she went to Yeo-Ryeong's apartment which is on the left side of her own apartment. Before she can ring the doorbell of Yeo-Ryeong's apartment, the door was opened by a tall and handsome boy with purplish-black hair.

That hair color and that good-looking face, is he? Hye-Na thought to herself as she saw the nametag of the boy's uniform "Ban Yeo Dan"?, he must be Yeo-Ryeong's brother

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That hair color and that good-looking face, is he? Hye-Na thought to herself as she saw the nametag of the boy's uniform "Ban Yeo Dan"?, he must be Yeo-Ryeong's brother. Oh my god, what should I call him, Yeo-Dan?, Oppa? He's one of the names that are on my phone, oh god I don't wanna sound like I just met him As Hye-Na was busy thinking of what to say to him, Yeo-Dan starts the conversation himself "Hey, you're here for Yeo-Ryeong right?. She's still eating her breakfast, should I call her for you?" Yeo-Dan asked her. "Sure but, I'm not only here for Yeo-Ryeong," Hye-Na said as she shows Yeo-Dan the Tupperware-filled paper bag that her mom gave her "My mom also wanted me to return the Tupperwares that she borrowed from your mother. So... here" Hye-Na explained to Yeo-Dan as she gave him the paper bag. "Thanks, I'll give this to my mom. Wait a sec" Yeo-Dan said as he goes inside the apartment.

After a minute, Yeo-Ryeong comes out of her apartment while Yeo-Dan was following her from behind. Seeing Hye-Na, Yeo-Ryeong smiled and greets her while clinging her arms around Hye-Na's right arm "Morning Hye-Na, sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go to school, shall we?" Yeo-Ryeong said to Hye-Na in enthusiasm. Before the two of them leave, Yeo-Dan calls out to Hye-Na "Wait, I want to give you something" Yeo-Dan said to Hye-Na as took out one melon milk and one chocolate milk "You like melon milk while Dan-I likes chocolate milk, right? you and Dan-I can have them. My school gave these out yesterday, so here"Yeo-Dan said as he gave Hye-Na the milk. He knows that I like melon milk and save this for me? how thoughtful "Thanks Yeo-Dan, I'll make sure to give the chocolate one to Dan-I," Hye-Na said with a warm smile as she took both of the milk from him. After she put them in her bag, she and Yeo-Ryeong bid Yeo-Dan goodbye and went off to their own schools.

But before they left, they went to Dan-I's apartment to be greeted by her mother. Her mother said that Dan-I had left for school at 7 AM and Dan-I said to her mother that she wants to go to school earlier. I knew it, she's still trying to not get involved with Yeo-Ryeong Hye-Na thought to herself. Seeing Yeo-Ryeong's disappointed expression, Hye-Na said "Let's just go, we can't be late either." Yeo-Ryeong nodded and smiled as the two of them off to school together.

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