"I'm not done talking yet Aubree." He runs a hand though his hair in aggravation. "Before our little talk I was only interested in you because of how easily you slipped away and told me no. No bitch has ever told me no before." His eyes narrow. "Now I want the pleasure of taming the spitfire you have become."

He runs the back of his hand down the side of my face and I freeze at the contact of his hand against me. My stomach starts to turn and the urge to lose my dinner presses me hard over the thought of what he is implying. No way in hell will I ever let him touch me in that way again. Even if I didn't have Ryder I would never fall into his bed. 

Ryder. He is so different from Adam. Where Ryder is caring and loving Adam is cold and hateful. The two men couldn't be anymore different then they are. Seeing Adam truly for what he I still can't wrap my head around why I was so gullible. All I can do is chalk my actions up to being young and inexperience. Adam was probably able to see how weak I was from a mile away and he uses my weakness for his own gain. Never again. 

"Never going to happen," I tell him standing taller and staring him directly in the eyes no longer allowing him to have such control over me. Adam says nothing, but studies my unwavering expression.

Figuring our conversation was over I step around him and head towards the exit, but he has other idea. He grabs my arm and tugs me to him causing me to lose my balance and fall into him with my arms resting on his chest. At this moment is when Ryder decides to come check on me.

"What the fuck is going on," he roars. I turn my head to find him in the entrance way standing with his legs shoulder width apart and clenching his fists at his side. Ryder's eyes flash with fire. I only hope is anger is directed at Adam and not me.

"I was leaving the bathroom when Aubree tripped over something and I caught her to prevent her from falling to the floor," Adam lies to Ryder and by Ryder's expression I can tell he see's through the lie.

Ryder takes a step towards us while saying, "you can let her go now." Adam releases me and Ryder pulls me into his chest, which I gladly curl into. "Stay the fuck away from Aubree. I won't play so nice next time."

Adam says with a shrug, "kind of hard to do when we are all on tour together and she is my manager."

"Only till the end of the tour," I remind him turning in Ryder's arms to face him. "When this tour is over I will no longer be your manager."

Adam eyes me and I can see his wheels turning in his head. "We shall see." His eyes shift to Ryder. "For now you have the upper hand, but don't get to comfortable. Like the mighty people in history so too shall you fall." With those parting words Adam leaves me and Ryder alone in the hallway.  

While in his arms I begin to shake uncontrollably. "You okay," he asks in concern. Not able to talk I shake my head no. His anger still radiates from him clueing me into the fact some of his anger is directed towards me. Ryder kisses the top of my head. "I'm not happy with you. Not even a little. Once Skylar and I realized how long you've been gone for I immediately went in search of you." His tone is almost to calm making me feel even more mad at myself. "Only to find you with Adam. This is the exact reason why I made you promise not to go any where alone and what do you do go somewhere alone."

"I'm sorry," I sob. "I didn't think..."

"Exactly you didn't think," he sputters taking a step away from me. Instantly I miss the warmth of his arms. He leans back against the way running his hand through his hair and crossing his arms in front of him. "I'm not trying to be an ass, but not once did you think of your safety."

I place my hands on his arms, but he shrugs me off. "Please don't be mad at me," I whisper. "I promise not to let this happen again."

His eyes meet mine, but they are not the loving eyes I'm use to seeing. No these eyes are cold. "Not sure I can believe you. I want to, but your first action was to disregard my request."

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora