Mr. King And The Wild Girl

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The air was crisp and soothing. Raindrops continued to fall on the rose petals, adding to their beauty. The sky was darkening as the sun began to set.

However, chaos reigned in a particular mansion, where maids and servants were preparing to serve their young master. He hadn't been back to his own villa in a long time.

He was always on business trips, but he was returning home after a three-month trip.

But it was the young master's wife who was the most stressful.

She was always out on her own and didn't realise she'd be in trouble if he found out.

"Ava! Check on Madam to see if she is aware that Master is arriving today." As she was busy cooking all of her favourite things for her favourite person, Martha , the old maid, said.

"I don't believe she's returned." In hushed tones, Ava stated.

"Did she run away once more?" As she wiped her hands in the paper towel, Martha said. "It's still worth a look."

Finally, Ava was dispatched to keep an eye on the young mistress.

She took a look at her madam's room. And she noticed that the window was open, and that the curtains were letting in diffuse light from the window pane.

She was sitting in her chair at the time. The house's new young madam. She was a wild girl breaking norms of high society.

Her body was covered in mud and leaves. She was out in the rain once more.

"Young Master is coming today, Ms. Bella, so get ready. I can assist you with bathing and dressing." Ava said she was nervous, possibly because she was a new servant, while fidgeting her dress.

Bella. The essence of a lovely young lady.

She was no longer surprised. It was typical of him to leave without giving any notice or leaving a message. He was simply a cold-blooded individual who couldn't care less about others.

She has no recollection of the last time she saw him. But what is the point of all of this? They don't even seem to care about each other.

"I don't want to see him, but I know I have to for my father." She let out a sigh and removed her leather jacket. When Ava saw the gothic outfit she was wearing, she was taken aback.

It was diametrically opposed to the King's family.

"Do I need to do my hair?" she inquired of Ava. Bella valued everyone's opinions, even if she was just a maid. She had a good heart. She was one of the few people who treated her as if she was a normal human being.

"Ms., he is your husband. You should definitely put on something lovely. I can assist you." Ava exclaimed, "I'm so excited!" As she entered Bella McCain's opulent closet. In many places, it was still untouched.

She was transformed into a beautiful princess with natural beauty in half an hour.

She wore her pearl earrings and matching pumps. Her hair was strewn across her back. As she traced her pendent, she realised she didn't need one.

This pendent was always in her neck.

It was her world's greatest treasure.


She heard the screeching of a car in the driveway around eight o'clock in the evening.

Her heels were hurting and she was getting tired. But she was well aware that this was the pivotal moment.

He was present.

"You, madam, should meet him as well." As she examined her work on Bella, Ava said. Her natural beauty shone through.

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