"I just w-w-work for Asgore, I d-d-d-don't really know how t-t-to e-explain it." Alphys fiddles with her thumbs, an old nervous habit, though her smile never wanes until a faint clacking echoes through the lab, slowly getting louder.

"He is here?"

"J-j-just visiting, I f-forgot to mention it."

"Sorry to interrupt, but who's here?" The two women meet Papyrus' confused gaze with differing expressions on their faces - Alphys seems more nervous, which can be expected, while Undyne looks to be unamused by something all of a sudden.

"I'm s-s-sure you'll recognise him." Alphys stops herself from continuing when another set of footsteps, heavier than the first, rings out, her eyes widening. Undyne snaps to attention, her back straightening and her head fixed on one spot, a door at the other end of the room.

The door slides open with another hiss, revealing a tall, bearded man, his golden hair reflecting the light with ease, a thick-looking cape dragging behind him. He turns back to face the door once more, and Papyrus' eyes follow, widening in an instant as his mouth falls slack, dropping open a fraction.


One of the country's most famous, influential and talented celebrities, right there before Papyrus' eyes, in the very same room!

His thick, black hair falls in gentle waves around his head, covering half of his face, though his smile is still very visible. His skin is a tanned caramel colour, his eyes a gorgeous chocolate brown. A couple freckles scatter across his face, a few on his cheek, one just below the outer corner of his eye, another barely visible next to his eyebrow, and two leading diagonally up to his hairline, away from his bangs. His iconic pink heeled boots click against the tiled floor as he walks, pristine white gloves concealing his hands. Black leggings hold tight to his legs and hips, a light pink crop top flipping against his chest in the slight breeze from the air conditioning unit above the door.

King Asgore holds his attention with effortless conversation, unknowingly keeping Mettaton blissfully unaware of the slight panic tearing through Papyrus' mind, showing clearly on his face and in his glazed eyes. The white material of his glove contrasts starkly against his raven-black hair as he runs his fingers through it subconsciously, making it sway and ripple at the back of his neck.

Undyne chokes on a laugh to Papyrus' left, and Alphys smiles to herself as she makes her way towards the two at the other end of the room, returning Asgore's fond-sounding greeting with her own. Mettaton props a hand on his hip as the three spark up conversation.

"Someone catch your eye?" Undyne chuckles as she speaks, trying to keep her voice down and prevent herself from laughing too hard. Papyrus' cheeks flare up as he snaps back to reality, crossing his arms and turning his head away.

"No, not at all, why would he?"

"Which one? I mean, it's a reasonable reaction to either of them, really, so which one grabbed your attention that easily?" The captain continues to bite down a laugh, struggling more with every passing second, and Papyrus stumbles on his response. Undyne soon shakes her head, clearing her thoughts.

"Come on." She gestures over her shoulder with a jerk of her head, striding over to the other three, leaving Papyrus to scramble unceremoniously after her. The sounds of their footsteps against the floor echo in the room, and Mettaton looks over at the sound, meeting Papyrus' eyes, sparking a blush.

"Heya, twink."

"Haha, very funny, because I haven't heard that one hundreds of times before." Mettaton rolls his eyes and sighs, though with no real spite, and Undyne just laughs. His expression shifts as he looks back to Papyrus, eyes curious.

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