Chapter 51 - We make one play

Start from the beginning


"You serious?", Wooyoung asked and scoffed. "You're always asking inappropriate questions, not respecting our privacy and yet you still ask us why we don't like you?" 

"Well, if you put it like that- I understand you.", the man said and lowered the camera. "Not all of us are like this." 

Wooyoung sighed and pulled out something from his back pocket. "I know." He handed him the paper. "Here you go. We answered some questions that might interest you ourselves. Publish this if you want, but let us in peace. We're sick of it." 

The man smiled as he neatly folded the paper. When Wooyoung was about to turn around, the man stopped him. "Sorry?" 


"Can I still watch the play? I'm leaving the camera outside, I promise." 

Wooyoung smiled and handed the man a ticket. "Enjoy." 

"Are you ready?", Hongjoong asked the nine of them. Now all nine of them were here and standing in a circle. 

Seonghwa snorted. "What do you think? It's gonna be our last time." 

They looked at each other, sadness and excitement mixed in them. Jongho placed his hand in the middle, waiting for the others to put theirs on top of his. "Let's show them one last time who we really are." 

One by one they put their hands in the middle and smiled at each other. They remembered the times they had squeezed their hands on top of each other, barely enough space for everyone. Now only nine of them were left but in this moment they felt the presence of the others the most. 

Then they looked at Hongjoong, who looked at them with a fond eye, the other covered with a patch, the logo drawn onto it. 

"Will you do the chant?", Seonghwa asked, knowing how much this would mean to his friend. Still, Hongjoong shook his head.

"We're doing it together, alright? One, two, three-"

The crowd outside went silent when they heard the chant 'We make one play' echoing through the room from backstage. Then the lights went out and they started cheering. 

Rory felt her heartbeat speed up when she stepped onto the stage and remembered all the plays she had here. Most of the time she just had minor roles but Rory didn't mind. As long as she could work onto something with the others it was worth it. 

For Rory the play itself was just a minor reason why she joined the theatre club in the first place. Of course she loved acting but the whole process was a lot more exciting. Planning the play, the stage and the outfits together was mainly the reason. 

A touch at her hand tore Rory out of her thoughts. She smiled and squeezed Yunho's hand, knowing it was him. "Good luck." 

Yunho chuckled and gave her a quick kiss onto her cheek. "Good luck."

Then the curtains opened. 

The nine of them were sitting at a table, various papers in front of them. The stage itself was designed just like their theatre room. Hongjoong looked directly into the crowd and a lot of people smiled back at him, when he started. 

"Welcome fellas, to the last show of the local theatre club. We all went through a rough time and lost people we love and cherish. The nine of us planned this play as a last step to finally being able to bear the pain. Together. This is a play where we show memories with them, nothing of it is fake and it's all real. Hope you enjoy!" 

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