Chapter 49 - Ateez Again

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Standing on the edge of where our confusions have led us
We are gathered here
The tears and sweat we shed comes back to a river
And it pulls us to this vast world

- Outro: Over the horizon

About an hour later the six boys were sitting in a circle on the deck, enjoying the summer breeze. It had taken a while until all of them fell asleep but since they were eager to find out the truth, all of them landed in the sea. Of course Yunho had been waiting for them already, a rope in his hands, ready to pull his friends up. 

Now they were silent but unlike before it was a comfortable silence as everyone tried to cope with the memories. Sometimes one of them would suddenly start yelling about a memory and the others would jump around, finally remembering it, before sitting down again. 

"It looks different than what I remember. But still similar.", Wooyoung said and looked at the wooden mast. He remembered seeing it fall. 

Yunho nodded, smiling proudly. "The ship sank in the fight. Ra and Rory build it up again." 

Yeosang flinched at the mention of the fight and subconsciously touched his belly but couldn't yet remember why. Instead he thought of something else and had to smile. He playfully hit Yunho. "You were jealous of me." 

"What?", Yunho asked and his ears turned red in embarrassment. Of course he remembered the stupid things he had done, including being jealous of his own friends. 

San laughed. "Of Woo, too. God, you were annoying." 


"One time-", Wooyoung said, a smile on his face. "-Rory wore my clothes and trained with me. It was so funny to make you jealous." 

Before Yeosang could add another embarrassing jealousy story, Yunho closed his mouth with his hand. "I get it, okay? I'm improving already." 

Jongho snorted. "Remember Yeonjun? The guy you thought was Rory's boyfriend the second the both of them came to visit us? The guy who's not even into girls?" 

"He's not?", Yunho asked shocked. The guys shook their heads and Mingi pouted. 

"I'm not even his type." 

Wooyoung ran his hand through his hair. "I hope I am. He's cute." 

"Is there something you want to tell us?" 

Before Wooyoung could answer another voice spoke up. "Let the boy breathe." The boys turned around and watched Seonghwa and Hongjoong come up the plank, both completely wet due to the water. 

As soon as they realized what had happened they jumped up and engulfed them in a big group hug. Even Jongho didn't pull away for a few seconds before having enough and sitting down again. 

"I can't believe it's all real.", Seonghwa whispered and looked at Hongjoong. "Thank you for convincing me." 

Hongjoong squeezed his friend's shoulder. "Anything so you can be happy again."

And when the two oldest sat down as well, they were complete. 

The boys who had started this journey together, finally found their destination. In the end it wasn't an island full of treasures, it was their friendship, which was even worth more than gold. They woke up on this ship at a place they had no memories in and returned months later with memories worth a wish. They were home again. 

"Something's missing.", Hongjoong suddenly said after watching the ship closely. Something felt empty. 

"Someone.", Yunho corrected, smiling proudly at the figure coming closer to them. The boys didn't need to turn around to know who was coming. 

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