Chapter 32 - The last destination

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Are you going to stop here?
What you've longed for is right in front of you oh
Although we can't come back
Oh, we must going on

- Wonderland, Ateez

"If we're lucky, we don't have to take over another ship.", Hongjoong said and watched the other two ships get closer. They had only fought one at a time but two at once would be hard, he knew that. Seonghwa scoffed. 

"When have we ever been lucky?" 

"Wooyoung, load that damn slingshot and shoot the warriors at the right side. You'll reach them. San, take Yeosang's bow and arrow and help Wooyoung. Seonghwa-" 

"I'll stay with Yeosang.", Wooyoung cut Hongjoong off. 

"We need you with the slingshot. We don't have any other weapons to reach out without a direct fight."

"Then Yunho can take it. I'll stay with Yeosang." 

"We both know you're the best shot of all of us. Yunho will stay with Yeosang and me, to protect us, okay? If we work fast enough, we maybe don't have to fight face to face."

San pulled Wooyoung away before he could argue again and together they loaded their weapons while Jongho and Mingi turned all canons to the other side. 

"What about your sword?", Rory asked Hongjoong. As if on cue a red glowing sword flew back into Hongjoong's hands. 

"Thank you for your hard work.", he said. "But I will need your help one more time." Then the sword flew directly to the other ship and Rory could even hear the soldier's screams from here. 

Hongjoong flinched at the sound and every scream pierced itself into his memory. Hurting the soldiers just enough so they couldn't fight but also injuring them in a way they would have to live with the scars forever - something Hongjoong had never imagined himself doing, he never wanted to.

Trying to ignore the painful yells and cut up bodies from the warriors on the floor, Rory knelt down next to Yeosang. The wound was still bleeding and the steel in his stomach was already covered in it. Still Yeosang managed to maintain a small smile. 

"Is it over?" 

"Soon.", Rory answered and caressed his hair. Then she looked at the others. "I don't know what to do. Do we take it out or just bandage him?" 

"Let's bandage him as far as we can, but without touching the steel.", Seonghwa said. After a few seconds he returned with a large cloth and the both of them started bandaging Yeosang as far as possible. In the meantime Yeosang had lost consciousness due to the pain, causing Rory to almost panic. If Yunho hadn't taken her hands, she would've completely lost her mind. 

"He'll be okay.", Yunho tried to reassure her, but he himself had no idea if Yeosang would make it. He remembered their talk only a day ago and his heart broke at the thought of it having been their last one.

After a few minutes the fight was over. The last ship started sinking and Rory noticed the rain had stopped sometime in between. Completely exhausted she collapsed on deck and looked around. Hongjoong leaned onto the rail, trying to seem fine. Seonghwa had no injuries other than a few cuts. San's arms were covered in burns but otherwise he was okay. The others were exhausted as well and Rory was glad they were fine. 

Holding her arm she leaned onto Yunho who turned to her in worry. Luckily he only had a injury on his leg, nothing severe, but still it would take a while for him to walk without pain again. "Are you okay? Your arm." 

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