Chapter 34 - "You're Rory, right?"

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When the memories that kept my side of me
Collapsed one by one
I thought everything around me
Was going to disappear

- My Way, Ateez

The crowd in front of the hospital made it almost impossible to get into the building. Chan took Rory's hand, knowing she wasn't focusing on her surroundings ever since he had told her about the return of the boys. 

Cameras were filming the entrance. Suddenly someone shouted "That's her!" and all cameras turned to Rory.  The flashing lights blinded her and the only comfort she felt was her brother's warmth. Chan pulled the hood of her jacked over her head and pulled her to the entrance where their mother already stood, arguing with a police officer. 

"-she's the other survivor and has a right to know how her friends are.", Ms. Bang yelled over the noise so the officer could hear her. "Please. Otherwise she'll be crushed by these damn cameras!" 

Hesitant the police officer opened the door and the three of them slid through it. The moment the familiar hospital smell hit Rory's nose she shivered. Her eyes wandered around the hallways, trying to find someone she knew. 

The police officer lead them to a hallway where many people in small groups waited. They held each other in their arms, trying to comfort each other and suddenly Rory felt out of place. With her family she sat down at the side, watching in silence.

Opposite of her was a blonde woman, holding hands with a black haired woman. The blonde held a baby in her arms and tried to calm it down, but it was no use since the loud noises from outside made it cry. Rory looked at the other woman. She seemed oddly familiar but she couldn't get where she had seen her before. 

Then a nurse came into the hallway and the black haired woman jumped up, ignoring the calls of the other. "Where is he? Please, let me see him." Tears streamed down her face as she yelled these words. After her outburst the woman broke down, burying her face into her hands. 

A sudden realization hit Rory and her eyes widened. "Yeosang's sister?" Before anyone could stop her, Rory jumped up and ran towards the woman. The nurse, who was trying to calm everyone down, turned to Eunjoo. 

"Somehow your brother has almost no injuries. His friend clung onto him, but he was covered in bruises and an injury on his stomach. The weird thing is, they were covered by a pile of chicken." 

The woman gasped, not understanding the latter part. But knowing her brother was fine lifted a huge weight of her shoulders.

Eunjoo followed the directions the nurse had given her to Yeosang's room. Taking a deep breath she pushed down the handle and stepped into the room.

The moment her eyes fell onto Yeosang's sleeping figure, tears blurred her vision. He looked healthy, almost as if he was just taking a nap. Eunjoo sat down on his bed and took his hand. He was real. Months ago she had imagined how they would reunite but it never happened. Now that this moment was finally here, Eunjoo couldn't believe it.

The door was opened once again and her wife went into the room, the baby secure in her arms. Eunjoo took her son and caressed his hair.

"Shhh. This is uncle Yeosang.", Eunjoo said, her voice cracking due to her tears. Her wife smiled sadly and continued.

"He's going to spend loads of time with you. He already loves you, I'm sure of it."

Eunjoo looked at her wife, glad she had someone like her. "Thanks."

As a response the blonde kissed her.

None of them noticed Yeosang's mouth twitching at the touch of his sister.

Another Fairy Tale /AteezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang