Chapter 5 - Cause of death: Darts

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Even if we walk in the darkness, 
Even if we are on a blocked road
I'll remember what I said
I'll hold your hand always
I'll promise you

- Ateez, Promise

(I'm not writing Rory's dreams in cursive anymore. If it's too confusing, please tell me. Have fun!)

"Here! Take it!", Hongjoong yelled at her and threw a rope into the water. Rory's hands shook in fear even though the water wasn't cold anymore. Another point which scared her. Usually she could only see the ship sinking, but she had never felt the cold of the water. 

Rory grabbed the rope and Hongjoong pulled her up with ease. In Rory's eyes it didn't look natural knowing Hongjoong wouldn't be that strong. But she shoved it away, assuming it was just her mind playing with her. 

"There you are!", Hongjoong greeted her with a big smile. Something in his smile felt wrong and made Rory shiver but Hongjoong didn't notice her fear. "You disappeared so fast after you woke us!" 

"I woke you up?", Rory asked confused, now sure she was probably going insane and promised to actually take the sleeping pills. 

"Don't you know about that? We were trapped in another world but your call woke us up. Thanks to you we are finally able to travel to our destination." 

"So you're telling me, I'm the one who woke you up 'in my dream' and now you're going to where? Neverland?" 

"Close enough.", Hongjoong said. "It's Wonderland. Where all our wishes will come true." 

"You're kidding, right?", Rory said and cursed her mind for playing such a game. Her body shivered itself when she heard 'Wonderland' but she didn't know why. Meanwhile Hongjoong only looked at her, his face full of confusion. "Why are you doing this to me?" 

"Hey, Rory.", he said trying to calm her down. "We really owe you. I'm sure the other guys would like to thank you as well." 

Hongjoong lead her into a room filled with various stuff. Confused as to why her mind would think of such a place, Rory let her fingers wander around a globe standing on the table. It wasn't a normal one, though. Half of it was covered black, just a single green dot on the middle, while the other half had definitely different land shapes than the earth she knew.

"Why is half of it black?" 

"We don't know what's there yet. All we know is that we have to work together, if we want to reach Wonderland.", Hongjoong explained and pointed at the small green dot. Somehow amused Rory put it back thinking the dot was so small, they could accidently drive past it. 

"Now meet the others." Hongjoong pulled away a curtain revealing the rest of the boys sitting there and playing darts. Wooyoung was just throwing and accidently hit Rory's arm. Surprised she held it in pain. 

"Omg, I'm so sorry.", Wooyoung said and came to her. Then his eyes widened in shock. "Don't disappear again!" 

"What the hell-", Rory started but immediately saw what he meant. Her feet were already gone. The last thing she heard was an angry shout. "Wooyoung, you had one job! And that was not to kill her!"

"Look! I'm sorry ok-" 

"Rory.", a voice whispered and when Rory opened her eyes again she saw Mark waving in front of her face. "Math's over. And Mr. Go wants to talk to you." 

"Oh shit.", Rory swore and stretched herself. She quickly thanked Mark who gave her a thumps up and left to his next lesson. Meanwhile Rory made her way to Mr. Go who was already waiting for her. 

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