Chapter 46 - End and Beginning

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Look around you
Did you find your dream?
Did you find your treasure?

- Outro: Long Journey, Ateez

"Oh, hey Yunho.", Chan said as he opened the front door, revealing the tall guy who was holding a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. Chan raised an eyebrow. "Are you here for my sister?" 

"Yeah. Is she upstairs?", Yunho asked nervously. 

Chan sighed. "Come in. But don't get home too late, okay? Her room's on the right." 

"Thanks.", Yunho mumbled and took of his shoes, glad to be free from the awkward silence. When he made his way to the door, someone came out of the living room. Ms. Bang. Yunho immediately bowed to her, making the woman smile. 

"You must be Yunho then. My daughter talks a lot about you." 

Yunho's ears turned red but he couldn't help but feel proud of it. "Oh really? I hope she only says good things about me." 

"Don't worry.", Ms. Bang said and then gestured to the flowers. "Should I put them in a vase?" 

"That would be nice. Thanks." 

"No problem." She took the flowers and then looked at Yunho again. "We'd like to invite you to dinner one time, if you want. We're very curious about our daughter's boyfriend." 

"O- of course.", Yunho stammered. 

"Now go. Rory should be upstairs." 

Not wasting a second Yunho went up the stairs and immediately saw which room was Rory's, thanks to her name being written on the door. He smiled at her handwriting and knocked. When no answer came he slowly opened the door. Yunho's gaze fell onto Rory, who had accidently fallen asleep on her bed. 

Not able to hide a smile at her cuteness Yunho came closer and softly kissed her cheeks, causing Rory to wake up. At first she just stared at him, still half in her dream, but then she realized what was going on and jumped up, accidently banging her head on Yunho's, causing both of them to flinch. 

"I'm so sorry.", Rory said, trying to sound serious but as soon as her eyes met Yunho's, they broke out in laughter. 

"It's okay. I guess, we shouldn't walk around unsupervised after hurting ourselves, almost burning an apron and-" 

"I get it. We're not partners in crime but partners in chaos." 

Yunho let out a laugh and sat down on Rory's bed, looking around the room, while Rory tried to quickly kick some clothes under the bed. His gaze fell onto the pictures on the wall and then back to Rory. "Your room's nice. It's totally you." 

"Yeah. A mess." 

"No, a beautiful mess.", Yunho said and laughed at Rory's dramatic acting. But then he remembered the meeting with her mother just a few minutes before. "Your mother invited me to dinner one time." 

"What? She did?" 

"What if I mess up and they don't like me, Ro?", he whispered and Rory stopped trying to fix her hair, messed up from her sleep. She sat down next to Yunho and took his hand. 

"They'll love you, trust me. Chan already likes you." 

"But what if they expected someone bett-" 

"You're the best for me, Yunho. I don't care what my parents think, because in the end it's my decision, right? I decide who I love. Or rather, my heart." 

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