Chapter 8 - No thanks I'm ok

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We are another type
We are another baby
Everyone goes at a different pace
We are all another baby

- Ateez, Thanxx

At first Rory thought she had a nightmare again. The first thing she saw when she appeared in the water was a big ship. The storm was back and Rory felt the cold of the rain on her face. The water was so cold her lips started to turn blue. But then she noticed, the ship was smaller than the ferry she had been on. 

The ship was completely black and had red and green sails. A black flag was whirling around in the wind and Rory could see a white text on it. Thanks to the rain she couldn't read it, though. 

Before Rory could start shouting a figure jumped into the water and a second later Rory felt an arm around her waist. 

"Yunho!", she yelled in shock as the boy appeared next to her. "What are you doing?" 

For a second Yunho seemed shy but then a sad smile appeared on his face. Rory immediately saw the orange hair just like she had seen after the rain in her dream before. "You told me you were scared of water. So I just, like, thought I should, you know, I should help you." 

Rory was speechless at that and immediately thanked the rain for turning her cheeks red, because if not she was sure Yunho would see her blushing face. "Thanks. Really, thank you. But let's get onto the ship now, or you'll get sick." 

In that moment Rory was really worried about Yunho. She didn't know what would happen in the real world if he got sick or worst case, died, here, and she really didn't want to find out. The risk was too big. 

Yunho tightened his grip around Rory's waist and pulled her to a ladder dangling into the water. Rory immediately held onto it, partly to be safe, partly since then Yunho would have to let go of her waist. She didn't want to admit it, but part of her liked the touch while the other part wanted to run away. 

"You first.", Yunho said even though he visibly had started to shiver. Rory started climbing up but couldn't stop the next sentence from leaving her lips. 

"So you can stare at my ass?" 

She didn't see it but Rory knew Yunho was turning bright red now. Whenever she complimented him for his acting he'd turn bright red and start to stutter. It wasn't any different now. 

"No- I, I would never-" 

"I know. I was just messing with you." 

Yunho sighed in relief and climbed up as soon as Rory was on the ship. With ease he climbed up the ladder and pulled Rory to a room on the ship. The other boys were already there and Rory couldn't help but gasp. The before comfy and dirty room had changed to  clean, black furniture. 

"How- how is this possible?", she stuttered and wasn't sure if it was from the cold or from her surprise. San immediately put a blanket around her shoulder as if he had already waited for it. 

"We think it's because of you." 

"Me? Why?" 

"Your presence. Your feelings change it.", Hongjoong answered now. "Were you scared or anything? I don't want to sound like an idiot but thanks to that, the ship is better. It's faster and we are closer to Wonderland now." 

"What?", Rory shrieked. Of course she had understood. The thought of her being the reason they were reaching Wonderland faster while she should prevent them from getting there, was disturbing her. 

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