Chapter 13 - One must remember, so others won't forget

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Why is my life so dark?
Why, always makes me hard?
A lost heart
The burden on my shoulders

- Ateez, Sunrise

Rory opened her eyes and immediately felt her not responding body. The worst part was the headache. Confused she let her eyes adjust to the light. What happened? Did she come back to her real world? Does Seonghwa still remember Danbi?

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake, huh?", a familiar voice said and Rory saw Changbin sitting at her side. Softly he took her hand and drew symbols on it.

"You really waited to make that joke, didn't you?"

Changbin looked at his watch. "For about twelve hours, yes. But jokes aside, how are you?"

"Tired. Dizzy. Confused.", Rory answered with a small smile. "What happened to me?"

Rory realized she was laying in a hospital room and froze instantly. The last time she had woken up like that, all her friends were dead and nobody wanted to tell her anything. She remembered asking about Danbi, making her mother break out in tears instantly.

"Overdose of sleeping pills.", Changbin said and avoided her eyes. When he finally looked at Rory, he had tears in his eyes. "Did you- did you try-"

"I promise you, i did not try to kill myself.", Rory answered but could see the disbelief in her best friend's face. "You don't believe me?"

"I understand you had a hard time and now these weird dreams with the boys, but Rory there are other ways-"

"I did not try to kill myself.", Rory repeated again. Changbin let go of her hand and stood up.

"I'm glad you're okay. Somehow. Just please don't call me for a few days."

With these words Changbin left the room, leaving Rory behind. Tears were streamin down her cheeks and she wanted to run after him but her she couldn't move her legs. Suddenly a tissue was thrown onto her bedsheet.

"So, trouble in paradise, huh?", a voice said and when Rory turned around, her gaze fell onto a girl, maybe a few years older than herself, who gave her a weak smile.

"No, he's my best friend." Rory wiped away her tears with the tissue. "I don't know how to convince him."

"I believe you.", the girl said, surprising Rory. "You may look like a girl who went through much shit, but I don't think that would be the right solution. I'm Lennie by the way. You can call me Len."

"Aurora. But most people call me Rory."

"Ahh, so now the Sleeping Beauty joke makes sense.", Len laughed. "I guess we're stuck in here together now for a while."

"May I ask why you're here?", Rory asked carefully. Len smiled sadly and revealed her tummy.

"My boyfriend hurt me after I told him I didn't want an abortion. He left me but I don't care about that. I just hope my kid is fine." Len softly caressed her tummy, a smile on her face. "I know I may not be the best mother or can afford everything. But I want the kid."

"I'm sure you will be the best mother you can be.", Rory said smiling. Her life had revolved around death the past few months she had completely forgotten beautiful things like that were happening as well.

Len wiped away a single tear rolling down her cheek. "We're getting really emotional here."

"I'm happy I'm not alone.", Rory said, surprising herself. Usually she avoided social contact as much as she could but right now she was glad Len is here. "I would probably go crazy alone."

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