Chapter 50 - Family dinner, yay

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Never say goodbye, because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
Longer than tomorrow, farther than eternity

- Neverending Story, Stray Kids

A few minutes later both Rory and Yunho were laying on the couch while Sujin was peacefully sleeping in her bed next to them. While Yunho was already dozing of, Rory started drawing symbols on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

She leaned forward and put a soft kiss onto Yunho's cheek. Even in his sleep, the corner of Yunho's mouth went up to a smile. Rory giggled at that. "I love you."

When Lennie and Chan returned from their date, both beaming in happiness, she immediately went to check up on her daughter. In the meantime Chan put a blanket over Rory and Yunho, who were both snoring soundly.

Chan had to admit they were a perfect match, even when he had no idea how this had happened. Rory had never talked to him about boys, except one time when she thought one guy was really cute, so he hadn't known anything about her feelings towards Yunho. It was hard for Chan to let go of his little sister like that, knowing she was a lot stronger than she seemed. All his life he had promised to take care of her, to protect her, and now he'd have to pass this onto Yunho. Chan trusted him, which scared him even more. He knew almost nothing about Yunho but something told him, he'd take care of Rory. 

"They're cute.", Lennie said, causing Chan to cringe.

"We're cuter."

It was already after midnight when Yunho woke up. He stood still for a second, not wanting to accidentally wake up Rory but had to laugh when he saw her cute face. Slowly he sat up and stretched his already hurting back because of the couch.

At first Yunho tried to wake up Rory through shaking but she didn't even flinch. Yunho considered tickling her but as soon as he saw her peaceful face he knew he couldn't disturb her precious sleep. Softly he pushed away Rory's hair so he could see her face.

Yunho stood up and put his arms under Rory and easily lifted her up. At the movement, Rory's eyes opened. When she recognized Yunho she immediately leaned onto his chest.

"What are you doing?", she mumbled sleepily. Yunho chuckled.

"I'm murdering you."


Yunho opened the door to his bedroom and placed Rory onto the bed, knowing she wouldn't even remember this conversation in the next morning. Within a few seconds Yunho changed into comfortable clothing before looking at Rory, who had already fallen asleep again.

"Hey. Ro.", he whispered and Rory moved a bit. "Can I change your clothes? Yours don't seem comfortable."

"Mmmh.", Rory mumbled and Yunho tried to take of her jeans quickly, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. When he got to her shirt, Rory opened her eyes again and had to giggle when she saw him. "You look like a bear. Raww."

Yunho smiled and blushed. "Are you drunk?"

"Drunk of love."

Not wanting to look at Rory's exposed body, Yunho quickly took a shirt of him and put it over Rory. When he turned around again, he heard a sniffling sound. "Did you just smell my shirt?"


Thankfully the darkness hid Yunho's red ears so Rory wouldn't tease him about it. "I'm gonna sleep on the couch, okay?"

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