Chapter 43 - Amusement park

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When our eyes meet, I'll be right next to you
We can go together everywhere
So that we can hold hands
You can hold my hand a little longer

- Stay, Ateez

It was early in the morning when two cars rolled up in front of the Bang's house. Wooyoung exited the first one and picked up a smaller stone. With ease he threw it at a window and a few seconds after a light went on. Then Rory stepped to the window and opened it. 

"What the hell are you doing, Woo?", she whisper-yelled at him. Wooyoung shrugged. 

"Don't know. Maybe picking up our friend who was supposed to be ready at six?" 

"Oh shit. Give me a sec." 

Within a few minutes Rory changed into proper clothes, picked up her bag and wrote a note to her parents. Chan would join them with his friends about an hour later since none of them were eager to wake up early. Somehow Wooyoung managed to convince them to do exactly that. 

Well, Rory hadn't woken up on time as you can see. 

Once again she had spend the night repairing the ship. This night she focused on the mast and lookout. With the help of Xion and the others it was easier to replace the mast since it would've been impossible for one person alone. 

"You had one job.", Hongjoong scolded her as she entered the back of the car and was immediately pulled onto a seat by Yunho, directly next to him. 

"I know. Sorry. It's six am! Why the hell are we already driving to the amusement park now?" 

Wooyoung turned around from the front seat (he had won through a definitely fair game of rock-paper-scissors) and smiled. "To be the first of course! No annoying kids, no people, hours of fun." 


Rory looked around as Hongjoong started the car again and happily greeted Mingi, who was sitting next to her. Then she turned to Yunho and saw him looking directly at her, a small smile on his face.

"You have drool on your face." 


"I'm joking." 

"You both drool when you're sleeping, so shut up babies and let me drive.", Hongjoong said from the driver's seat, while Wooyoung was already picking out music. 

Rory yawned at this and put her head onto Yunho's shoulder. Yunho on the other hand couldn't think of sleeping, his heart racing at the touch. Still, he smiled like an idiot, knowing fully well the other's were watching him. 

In fact, he had been excited about the trip for days now, knowing it was his chance to spend time with Rory and go onto an amusement park, making it seem like a date. The only thing that crossed Yunho's plan in asking her out was Chan. He respected Rory's brother a lot but if he and his friends would arrive just an hour later, Yunho worried he might not be able to talk a lot to Rory. Or to make a move, knowing her brother was there as well. Maybe he wouldn't even like Yunho to spend time with Rory.

All these thoughts were in Yunho's mind for the next minutes so he didn't realize Rory had already fallen asleep on his shoulder, snoring softly. He wondered why she was so tired all the time. Whether it was in school or when she spend time with the boys, she was tired, and Yunho couldn't help but worry about it. 

Then Wooyoung turned around to Yunho. "So when are you going to ask her out?" 

"Uhm, today?" The boys exclaimed happily but Yunho quickly shushed them, scared Rory might wake up. "I don't know how, though. What about Chan?" 

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