Chapter 18 - Revenge or Justice?

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The shining treasure over there
It's beckoning to you, that treasure
Everyone's chasing after pleasure
Going more and more blind, crazy

- Ateez, Treasure

The group continued riding up the mountain on a small path. The sun has now disappeared behind the horizon, so they had to use torches. Once again, Rory sat in front of Yunho, but this time they hadn't said a single word to each other. 

All of a sudden Rory was sick of the silence between them, partly because it annoyed her and partly because she missed his soft voice. "You're not jealous of Yeosang, are you?" 



"I'm sorry, I'm just the type who gets easily jealous.", Yunho said embarrassed. Rory turned, as much as she could, and hit his arm making him whine. 

"They are your friends. I am just their friend, okay? At least trust me this much. God, Yunho, right now you are one of the most stupid guys I know." 

"That hurt. But why?" 

"Because the only guy I care about, is you, god damnit!"

Yunho got silent at that while Rory tried to calm down as she faced the front. She was so close to just shout at Yunho because of his stupidity, since she obviously only had eyes for him. How did she even end up falling in love with a guy, that was so, ugh! 

Rory almost fell of the horse when she realized something. She was in love with Yunho. Her gaze wandered to Yunho's arms around her waist and she tensed up immediately. Rory couldn't help but think about how messy her hair was or how dirty her clothes were. Did Yunho even think she was beautiful? Confused Rory shook these thoughts away. Why would she care about what Yunho thinks? 

Yunho on the other side interpreted her tensed up body as something different. In that moment he really wished someone would hit him with a brick. How could he even get the idea, Yeosang would like Rory in that way? How often did he become jealous because of something unnecessary? 

Not sure what to do or how to break the silence, Yunho got closer to Rory again. Slowly, as if he was asking for permission, he leaned in and waited for a second, giving Rory a chance to push him away. When she didn't, Yunho felt like the happiest man alive. Softly, he placed a kiss onto her shoulder, waiting for a reaction. He saw the way Rory tried to keep a straight face and then placed a soft kiss on her neck, then on her ear, always waiting for her to break the silence. 

When Yunho placed his next kiss on Rory's cheek, the corner of her mouth went up, making him smile. All the time Rory had tried to fight against the urge to give in but even this soft touch made her feel more than she had felt the last few years. 

"Yunho, what are you doing?", she asked in a whisper, trying not to let the nervousness show. 

"Convincing you to forgive me. Is it working?", Yunho replied and when Rory turned to face him he looked at her with big eyes. 


About three hours later they reached the top of the mountain, just before midnight. The moon was full, shining down on them, lighting up the dark night. 

Glad to get of the horse, Rory stopped. Yunho jumped off and then helped Rory get out of the saddle. Her feet felt wobbly due to the long sitting periods and she already knew her muscles were going to be sore the next day. 

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