Chapter 25 - The fall of the crown

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I ran like crazy to catch your dream
Don't stop running even if you move on
Climb further
I have to overcome the weight of the crown

- Oneus, Incomplete

Rory ran as if her life depended on it. Well, it wasn't hers but the boys'. Her feet flew over the stones, making them sore but Rory didn't care. She only saw the harbour at the horizon and the familiar ship. For some reason Rory knew she didn't need to climb up the mountain again and instead run to the ship.

Just after a few minutes she felt the exhaustion take over and the heat of the sun didn't make it easier. Panting hard Rory almost collapsed but the only thought that kept her going was the boys'. She didn't even care about Yunho's reaction anymore. Their relationship was nothing to the world. Of course the pain still hurt like crazy and Rory felt as if someone had ripped out her heart, but this was much more than just love. It was about the boys' lives and if she was able to save them, then she would.

A galloping sound made Rory turn around. A scarred hand came into her vision and when she took it she was pulled onto a horse. Rory leaned onto the back of the person, trying to catch her breath.

"We thought you wouldn't come back.", the person said and Rory could hear the happiness in Ra's voice. Tired she clung onto her waist.

"Well, I'm sorry if I disappointed you."

Ra turned around and smiled at Rory. A sudden realization hit Rory. The woman in front of her wasn't wearing her mask anymore. The bruises were covering half her face but just her smile made Ra seem more beautiful.

Rory gasped. "What are you doing out here?"

"The King is here.", Ra answered and her eyes shimmered in hope. "He heard his soldiers were here, my boys, and wanted to execute them himself for betraying him. He hasn't set foot on this land since four years. Just like me. For four years I've lived under the mask and hid myself, I've forgotten how beautiful it is up here."

Rory looked around and only saw the drought, not sure what was beautiful about it. But she couldn't speak for Ra who hadn't seen this side of the island for years.

"I'm proud of you."

A chuckle left Ra's throat. "I can say the same about you. You came back for your friends."

"Where are they?"

"At the harbour. Trying to get away before the King comes. After you left the letter all of them were pretty shattered and when we were told the King would come we knew they had to leave as soon as possible."

"Are they already gone?", Rory asked scared but Ra shook her head.

"No. They wanted to wait as long as possible before actually going."

"For what?"

"For you."

Rory could feel her eyes water and felt the guilt in her body take over. She had almost given up on them, on herself. And still they trusted her so much they thought she would come back?

"So what is your plan?", Rory asked, now scared about Ra. The woman was wearing her white uniform again, her sword on the side.

"The moment the King come's down the plank, we'll attack. My warriors are already hiding in the city. It may take more than just one King's death to defeat this sick ruling, but someone has to start fighting, right?"

"Will you be alright?"

Ra touched Rory's hand shortly. "You'll feel when something's wrong with me. The other's as well. We are connected by fate. But for now we have to concentrate on bringing you to your boys. Bring them to Wonderland."

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