•||•CHAPTER10: PART 3•||•

Start from the beginning

"Okay, okay, okay i'm sorry. Let me stop because i actually want to know how this ends." She says biting her lip trying to stop laughing. "Okay, let's get back to the story before i was rudely interrupted. As i was saying, i was in utter awe of this girl. She was exotic with her accent and yet set the bar high for the typical American beauty standard, she brought it to a whole other level. I tried to wow her with my chauffeurs and my dad's flashy cars and my big house, which by the way are so shallow and stupidly idiotic now that i'm older that girl must've thought i was a spoilt brat, but whatever i was a dumb kid. Anyway she finally gives me the time of day and she lets me call her my girlfriend. I felt untouchable. Our 'relationship' moved fast and as soon as you know it i'm in my bedroom with her naked and she's telling she wants to have sex with me. She was sixteen at the time and i was 13, it wasn't okay, but to me it was totally okay i guess. We had sex and now i'm thinking we are going to be together forever. She than decides to leave me for some punk senior who smoked weed and got into trouble all the time. I was devastated. For a while i thought i wasn't good enough, i didn't date for about three years and women became nothing more than just something to stick my penis in. So yeah...i could've cried fucking year long about her, well i kind of did, but the point it i moved past that. I found a woman who loves me and would do anything for me and i am glad i went through that, or else i wouldn't be able to give my girl the toe curling, sheet clenching, screaming-at-the-too-of-her-lung type of orgasms, there's always a silver lining here."

They both bursted out into laughter. Zahra didn't understand the boy that stood in front of her. He was so kind and sweet to her that she forgot what an asshole he actually is at school and how people either hate him or want to be him. But at this very moment, he was a simply attractive teenage boy that has been through heartbreak and also had his fair , not fair share but enough to say experience with fuck-girls/boys like the rest of us. He wasn't Fransisco the popular kid and heir to a billion dollar company, he was simply Fransisco and Zahra laughed a warm laugh, warmth that she felt lucky enough to see this side of him.

"You know, you aren't as horrible as a person as i thought you were, i'm this close to actually thinking you are likable." Zahra said and Fransisco merely shook his head, smile still on his face. "Whatever, you are still annoyingly tolerable. Key word is annoying." He says making an attempt to get up only for her to throw a pillow at him and of course what did that cause? A mini pillow fight followed by a couple of wrestling position. And it's like the Universe didn't want there to be platonic feelings involved between them so they ended up in the typical oh so cliche wrestling position, Fransisco on top of Zahra with her hands pinned on the bed, above her head, her legs loosely draped around his waist. Their hot breathes and long smiles staring back at one another.

"Fransisco?" Zahra breathed out his name so huskily, you could see the intimacy in her tone. "Mmh?" He hummed out, eyes locked with hers. She wasn't nervous, her heart wasn't beating fast, her body wasn't tingling if anything she felt very much comfortable in this position she was in with him. "You said that Madeline loves you. But you didn't say you loved her." Zahra points out innocently. Fransisco just stared at her blankly for a minute. He sighs, and rolls over to lay beside her. He too is starting at the ceiling like her. "Do you love Zane?" He asked her.

She took a deep breath, and in that breath a kaleidoscope of their memories flashed past her and she dwelled on the questions. Did she love Zane? At some point in a life, probably in her past she would've said yes in a heart beat, with no hesitation even if Zane would've hesitated. But right now, after all he has put her through she isn't sure if she's in love with him as before. Does she care for him? Yes, without a shadow of a doubt, but will she ever get back with him? Probably not. She has been misused and mistreated only to be loved madly and wildly in the end, it wasn't consistent. It was up and down with him and when she was 16, sure that was fun, heck it was a fucking rush to have a man tell you fuck you i hate you only to call you his angel as he fucks the shit out of you. But right now, at this moment she wasn't 16 anymore, and she wasn't looking for unpredictable, she wasn't looking for wild and crazy, she was just looking for...something that wasn't that.

"if you would've asked me that about two years to a year ago i would've said yes, but right now and no. I have love for him and i care about him, but my heart can't take damage like that again, and it doesn't deserve it. I love Zane, but i'm truly no longer in love with him." Zahra answered steadily and calmly. She felt the words radiate off of her, as if she had finally broke the last link to him, as if she had released her claim on him. she was truly done.

That night Fransisco and Zahra slept together on the bed, and in the midst of his thoughts Fransisco pondered the what Zahra said. He was so used to people always assuming that he was madly in love with Madeline his girlfriend that he never really had to say that he was in love with her. Zahra is the first person to ever make him realize it. And he was starting to question whether he is in love with Madeline or just had love for her.


this book is far from ending and certain characters need to be shown more but after chapter ten is when we finish completely with focusing on Zane and Zahra's relationship the rest of the chapters we'll see Zahra trying to find herself and be her own person and more school scenes because i feel like i have none 🌚anyway love you all and hope you all are good


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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