Start from the beginning

Tom said "no you're not a bitch." Sydney said "I am, what kind of selfish person am I if I am jealous of a woman who killed herself in high school, but I am jealous of her."  Tom said "Chellie you don't need to be."  Sydney said "I know it's terrible. Your poor friend. But I am.  I find that I resent her Tom."  Tom said "Chellie, Sydney look I think if it's ok I'll start here.  I need to tell you about my friend."

Sydney said "Tom I'm already hurting, please I don't think I can stand it."  Tom said "Baby I don't want to hurt you any more than I have. But I got to. Not to hurt you, but to make you understand. Please baby."  Sydney nodded.

Sydney said "look I'm sorry for your loss. I truly am. I feel and see your grief for her. But it hurts me.  I'm not going to lie. It hurts me cause you must have truly loved her"  Tom said "I did. I mean I wasn't in love with her, and I didn't realize that I loved her, until it was too late and she was gone.  I never got to tell her how much I did care for her. I thought I would have time but I didn't."

Sydney said "I am sorry for you. And I see a little better why you carry guilt and regret in not getting to tell her that she was important to you."  Tom said "yeah I've carried that guilt with me every day. When I couldn't find her, I hired a private eye, and when he told me she threw herself in front of a train, that the conductor tried to stop, blared the horn but it didn't help, she wouldn't move. Chellie the guilt I felt."  Sydney said "Oh Tommy oh she threw herself in front of a train oh my God. That poor girl."

Tom said "you are truly amazing, beautiful gentle soul. I mean here you are trying comfort me, and showing sympathy for my friend."  Sydney said "Tom I do feel bad for her, that she gave up, I guess I feel selfish though cause you know I not only feel jealous of her, of your bond, that you loved her as a friend. I mean when I say jealous I guess I mean cause I thought we were friends.  I grew up with no friends. And I guess when I met you and you said we were friends, and we did studying and talking and going to the DQ or Pizza Hut, and watching you bowl on your bowling team. I mean it's like I thought we were friends, and I was just stupid."

Tom said "No Chellie you weren't stupid.  We were friends. I know you don't understand. That's why I need to tell you about my friend."

Tom said "I hurt her, and I have carried that guilt around with me every day."  Sydney said "so is that why I mean you said that you tried to find her to tell her."  Tom said "yeah I never got to say I was sorry."  Sydney was crying.  Tom said "Syd Chellie look please I don't want to hurt you. I know I am.  I know talking about my friend is hurting you but you'll understand."  Sydney said "Go on."

Tom said "ok let me go back, Michelle, I am sorry for hurting you I'm sorry for not taking you to the prom ok. So if that's what just made you cry,"  Sydney said "ok. please tell me about this girl."

Tom said "after she left, and then I got the news that she was dead, that she took her life, I knew I had to be a better man, I had to grow up. I felt shame, not only guilt, but I knew my dad would be so upset with me, that I caused her to kill herself."

Tom said "honey I apologize I should have told you about her from the start, but I really was scared that if you ever found out what I did to her, that you would never go out with me. I know you hurt hearing that, but please just let me finish"  Sydney nodded.

Tom said "I told you I felt to blame for a friend's suicide, but I never told you who it was. I wish I would have. Then that case came up, and it reminded me of Steve and what he did, and when I told you about her, you got so upset, and so jealous, and I didn't want you to be hurt, or jealous, cause there was no need for you to be jealous, so I dropped it.  I wished I would have told you."

Sydney said 'Tom it does hurt, I can't help but be jealous. You're telling me you she's the only friend of yours you loved, not in love, but she mattered, meant something to you. And I mean maybe if she would have lived, I can't help but feel you would have ended up with her. That you would have told her you loved her, and then you guys would have got together later on. You never would have came to Dallas."  Tom said "Chellie please just let me tell you about her."