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Doug said "hey Hanson what are you doing?" Tom said "what." Doug said "what are you doing sitting out here on the floor? Tom said "Penhall not now." Doug said "what do you mean not now, you better get your butt in there, Sydney is freaking out." Tom said "what is she ok." Doug said "She can't understand why you didn't use the bathroom in her room, she is freaking out thinks that you left her, that you left the hospital." Tom said "she'd be better off without me." Doug said "Hanson what the hell is wrong with you. You get your ass up and in there to see your girlfriend."

Tom said "Doug what am I supposed to say" Doug said "What. Tell her you love her. Try and make her feel better, hug her, kiss her." Tom said "I mean I let her down." Doug said "what are you talking about." Tom said "I let her down. I was supposed to protect her, she got kidnapped and I wasn't the one to save her." Doug said "Hanson you can't be for real, what the hell you hate Booker that bad, that you would rather Sydney be raped and you save her, rather than Booker." Tom shouted "NO. I'm grateful to Booker, I owe him my life for saving her. I'm just saying I let her down. Booker saved her. And I would rather she leave me for Booker, well who am I kidding she isn't mine to leave me, but I would rather she fall for Booker and he steal her away and I lose my chance forever and have her be ok, and him save her, rather than me save her and get there to late."

Doug said "Hanson you're talking crazy. Booker can't steal her away from you. She loves you. Come on man she hasn't come out and said it ok, but you saw she staked her claim on you." Tom said "I know but I was supposed to be her hero, I was supposed to save her. She was counting on me to save her. She thought I did. She thanked me for saving her She said she knew that I would come. That I will always come and save her." Doug said "Tom come on she loves you. Not Booker. Yes she will be grateful to Booker like we all are. But he is not going to have a chance with her, she is your girl. She loves you. Booker is a fellow cop. He was doing his job. She is not going to see him as her hero. Your her hero. And besides you were there with Booker." He said "I didn't know where Mario's dad worked, where Mario would be, I didn't know anything about this Mario, if it would have been me I couldn't even have identified him, you and Harry did that. I was totally useless and helpless and when I did get there I picked the wrong building. I let her down. I'm sure she will fall for Booker now."

Doug said "Tom Sydney isn't shallow like that come on she loves you. She is worrying that you left her, she is only thinking about you, not Booker. She is getting stressed and it 's causing her machines to go haywire. Now you get your ass up and get in there, be her man." Sydney said "oh my God I bet Tommy heard me telling you, he knows oh my God. I got to go find him try and explain." Sydney tried get up, she almost fell, but Booker caught her. Booker said "Sydney honey you got get back in bed. You are on a lot of pain meds, you can't walk. I'll go get Tommy. I'm sure he is right outside." Judy said "honey Tommy was in with me, he couldn't have heard Booker."

Booker said "Hanson what the hell. Get in there what is wrong with you." Tom said "leave me alone." Booker said "Penhall what's his problem." Tom said "look I'm grateful to you for saving Sydney, she doesn't need me she has you. I let her down." Booker said "seriously Hanson, what is this shit? You are going to sit out here and pout and act like a baby." Tom said "I need a moment." Booker said "oh Penhall he needs a moment, well Hanson I say screw your moment. You get your ass in there to your girlfriend, she is freaking out. She about fell." Tom got up. He said "What was she doing out of bed" Doug said "well maybe you should be in there then you would know." Booker said "She was freaking out, she thinks you left her she was going to try and run out after you and find you. She thinks you're mad at her, for following Judy instead of staying." He said "I told her I wasn't." Booker said "You going to feel sorry for yourself, or you gonna be a man and get in there." Tom got up.