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Sydney said "you know I get why cause I deserved being bullied ok. I was stupid to believe I could ever have you as a friend."  Tom said "Chellie no."  Sydney said "I just if I would have bullied someone, hurt someone deeply Tom when I was a kid, I wouldn't just forget about it, or that person. I'd regret it. You're a good man. I guess it's just cause I deserved it."  Tom said "Chellie stop. You didn't deserve it.  But you're wrong. You're so wrong. I have not forgot. I never forgot you Michelle. I never forgot for one day what I did to you."

Sydney said "I don't understand, if you didn't forget, then I guess I have questions on that."  Tom said "Go on."  She said "if you didn't forget then why look I know I look different, I changed my hair color, I had short hair now I have long, I wore glasses, now I don't, I got my teeth fixed,  Lost weight, got in shape, got stronger,  I dress better cause I can afford clothes Nice clothes, I get why you didn't recognize me, but I flat out described me to you, over and over, begging for you to remember, to know it was me to ask me or to say you know I had someone in high school sounds like you."

Tom said "I did."  Sydney said "no you didn't. I mean I told you about my mom not wanting me, saying I was bad, that my dad left cause of me, that she was drunk or doing drugs, I had to work several jobs to try and pay the bills, keep us in our house, that she brought men home, that I locked myself in my room, cause I was afraid of them, and listening to them having sex upset me, made me sick. Tom you knew all that. I mean I admit I never told you how I was bullied, I never told you what all they did to me ok, but I told you all about my mom and dad, hell the whole town knew about it.  Why didn't it register to you I mean Tom when I came over in middle of night all upset, about our prom case, asking you that, why didn't you realize I was Michelle."  Tom said "I can explain that.  But I did think of you when you said that.  I stopped and looked at you. but I didn't think you could be Michelle ok. I mean I was thinking someway you had found out about what I did to Michelle, I was thinking to myself why would you say that, could she possibly know.  Baby I never wanted to tell you what I did ok cause I was afraid I'd never win your love.  I mean you had told me you were bullied, and I didn't want to tell you I helped bully this  girl."

Sydney said "ok I don't mean to attack you."  Tom said "no it's ok go on, yell at me, hit me. Say whatever you need to say, whatever will make you feel better."  Sydney said "Tom hitting you, yelling at you, isn't going to make me feel better. I hurt when I look at you.  I love you. I did forgive you, it's just the pain was all brought back seeing you with Anna, seeing her touch you. It's just fresh right now.  I'm sorry I told you to not touch my face."

Tom said "no it's ok. I can keep my hands to myself.  I only wanted to try and make you feel better."

Sydney said "Tom I never dreamed in my wildest dreams, you would walk into Jump Street, and not only that, but you would fall in love with me, that you would want to be with me, marry me.  I could hardly believe it was all happening, and I lived with the fear of you finding out who I was and leaving me.   But every time when I would tell you things about me, things that I knew you knew, like my mom, details about my dad, my mom, and you showed no reaction that you didn't act like you ever knew a Michelle, I have to tell you, it hurt, but it made me feel like you would leave me for sure,  Especially when I saw that you showed no guilt, but that you carry around this grief and this loss and this guilt for your friend. I mean 10 years and you're still blaming yourself and I don't understand cause it wasn't your fault that she killed herself. You stopped Steve from doing that, so I don't understand why you feel guilt. And I guess it hurts me Tommy. I mean when I was talking to Judy about it and Booker and they both hugged me, and you saw Booker hug me, it just hurt so much, and I know I'm a bitch, and a mean person Tommy.  I mean I have a great job, a best friend in Judy, and friends in the 3 guys, and a amazing husband the man of my dreams, and I have Abby, and your friend isn't here and able to live her life. I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry for what she went through, that she thought suicide was the only way out, that she didn't think it would get better.  I mean I had suicidal thoughts after, but I couldn't do it. I guess I was too scared to. I mean I was telling them how much of a bitch I was and how I felt bad."