Chapter 17 : Planning

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Sasuke pov:

It's been an entire week since I've seen Sakura, spoken to her, heard that voice of hers, i'd be lying if i said I didn't miss her. With her current condition i feel like it's only right that i be by her side every step of the way, but I can't. God this sucks, why is her stepmother so pent up on having her be held prisoner? Why not just let her go? What the hell are her motives. I've only been given brief updates from Sayuri about her, she's been checking on her when she gets the chance, she says sakura is still experiencing morning sickness, but she stays and gives her medicines. It's never much she tells me because she's at risk herself of having her psychotic ass mother find out.

"Young master, your family wants you down right away" a servant said breaking me from my thoughts.

I don't know what irritates me more, the fact that they feel at liberty to just bust into someone's room or the fact that my family wants me down so early.

"Fine, I'll be down in a minute, relay the message please" i replied.

I walked into the bathroom and freshened up and then the closet and decided to go the comfortable rout with a plain black V-neck and some Black sweatpants. After i walked out my room a group of maids stormed in squealing. I simply rolled my eyes.

I walked downstairs to find my four immediate family members.

"Good morning sasuke" mother said.

"Good morning everyone" i replied.

"So son, how's everything going? For the past week you've barely gone outside to do anything" father asked.

"Hn" i replied, I didn't want them to worry about Sakura at all so i have to keep this short and sweet.

"Little brother, I'm going to cut straight to the chase, we're worried, ever since sakura was dragged away from here last week, we haven't heard word of her and we also noticed the change in your demeanor and attitude, so would you like to tell us what's going on?" Itachi stated.

"Yes dear, i truly want to know what's going on as well, i dont trust that senju" mother added.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to lie? Tell them that I don't know where Sakura is or just lay it all out on the table.

I looked up and scanned the table and i could see genuine concern written on everyone's faces, even fathers. I could tell they weren't just worried about me they were worried about sakura. It made me happy that they care so much for her. I had to tell the truth. Even about the pregnancy, she already said she didn't mind.

I sighed.

"Okay, the day sakura was dragged away, was the day her step mother found out about everything, me and her, and also the fact that Sakura was now in possession of that letter and the deed, with that, her mother has locked sakura in her room heavily guarded by guards. I have no way in contacting sakura, because her phone was confiscated from her by her stepmother, but Sakura has been receiving help, we've all met the annoyance she calls a step sister karin, but you all haven't met the other one, the other stepsisters name is Sayuri, Sayuri at first indulged in the teasing and picking her sister ignited, but as it kept dragging on and on she felt there was no need to continue with it so she fell back and started taking up royal etiquette classes, they were doing them together but of course karin dropped out. So on the day sakura was dragged away, Sayuri came home during the time her mother and sakura were in her room arguing and she overheard everything, the letter, the deed, her father's death....which in fact the senju did do she killed kizashi haruno. And with that she began to help sakura and has been doing her best to do so, she met up with me and the Royal 12 and relayed to us that Sakura wouldn't see everyone until the ball we're planning....." i trailed off.

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