Chapter 9: Dates

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🍋 lemon warning🍋
Sakura pov:

It's been a month since ino's sleepover and I've been seeing sasuke ever since, i would do all my work early so i could finish early then go on about my day meeting with sasuke at our spot. Today sasuke told me he had something planned and told me to dress nice, in which i did. I wore a flower embroidered dress with cherry blossoms and some nice sandals with my hair in a ponytail, and my signature soft pink lip gloss. Madam has no clue I'm actually meeting sasuke every other day, and as i said before i could care less if she ever found out, this is the only good thing that's occurred since my father's death and i won't let her ruin it.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I heard her voice sound from behind me as i reached for the door.

"I was invited somewhere, and all my duties are fulfilled so I'll be heading out now, i checked everything off you can check, I'll be back later" and without hearing her rebuttal i closed the door on her.

She wasn't about to keep controlling me!

I walked to me and sasuke's spot at the bench and found him sitting there waiting on me. I lit up at the sight of him, he wore a nice suit, and he looked handsome.

"Hey pinky" he said getting up hugging me.

"Hey sasuke" i said hugging him back.

I was curious as to what he has planned since, sasuke was a guy of many surprises.

"So what's the plans, you said it was surprise" i said looking at him with my hands still wrapped around him.

"Hmm come on" he said grabbing my hand pulling me to his limo.

He opened the door for me and i curtsied him being playful and went inside. With a roll of his eyes and his signature smirk he followed after me.

As we rode in the limo, there was a comfortable silence between us, we held hands the entire time and sasuke eventually intertwined our fingers. Causing me to blush and shoot him a warm smile.

Soon the limo came to a stop and sasuke covered my eyes with a blind fold of some sort leaving me confused.

"A-ah sasuke Whats going on?" I said.

"Calm down pinky, take my hand as i guide you" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the limo slowly.

I trusted sasuke, so i let him guide me slowly, we walked for some time until we came to a stop.

"Are you ready?" He said from behind me.

Nervously i nodded and braced myself for whatever the blindfold hid from me.

The sight of a cherry blossom field came into view, cherry blossom petals flying in the air, the whole place was beautiful, i looked ahead further and noticed, a plaid blanket laid out with a basket in the middle, a picnic basket as a matter of fact.

I turned to sasuke, with tears forming in my eyes, and a bright smile on my face.

"Sasuke it's beautiful" i said smiling as a tear rolled down my face.

"I found this place a while back, before i met you actually and i found the setting peaceful and i knew i had to bring you here for a special date" he said smiling back at me.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him softly on his lips as tears kept falling.

"Why are you crying pinky" he said with a soft look in his eyes.

I wiped my tears and giggled.

"My father used to always take me to cherry blossom fields near our kingdom, it was something he did near my birthday since the trees were to always bloom around that time, i was always happy when he did, and ever since his death I haven't seen the trees in 11 years, and being here reminds me of all the happiness i felt, i makes me more sure that you're a symbol of this new happiness i feel" i said kissing him again.

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