Chapter 14: Revenge

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Sakura pov:

After the movie outside which was amazing by the way, we all met at ino's castle. She had her castle aid come and examine my neck, nothing was wrong she just said my neck snapped back to fast when i hit the water, but it should be fine. The pain actually went away so i was fine.

But karin is going to pay.

"So Sakura what's the plan?" Ino asked bringing in bottles of water's for everyone.

"Well she tried to kill me so I'm going to mess with her head, using this hunk next to me" i said looking at sasuke.

"Hmm go on"

"The plan is, sasuke is basically going to fake fall for her, and he's going to ask to meet her somewhere, and thats when we come in to ruin her date"

"Ooh forehead you maniacal genius she's going to feel shittier than her underwear seriously how does she not wipe her ass!"

Everyone laughed at this, because seriously that's an issue.

"Can't believe she touched me, i knew she was repulsive" sasuke said.

I giggled at this and snuggled into him more.

"Well since everyone is here might as well spend the night and don't worry sakura I've informed that witch of a step mother" ino said.

I smiled and nodded.

Everyone began changing into the clothes ino brought down for everyone and cuddled with their boyfriend and girlfriend.

It was zen mode while each pair went to sleep one by one.

Of course me and sasuke were still up, and we were in our spot that we were in last time we were here.

"Hmm pinky your hair smells nice" he said as his chin rested on my head.

"I started using a new shampoo, bubble gum scented" i said .

"Hmm i hope you taste as good as you smell"

I hummed after that remark.

"Sasuke" i whispered.


"I love you"

I felt his heart as i laid on his chest and it was beating fast.

"Pinky" he said causing me to look up at him.

" I love you too"

I smiled happily and leaned up and kissed him holding his cheek.

He grabbed my face as well and deepened the kiss.

Lets just say me and sasuke ended up in one of ino's guest bedrooms separated from the group.

When morning came, i woke up in a bed with sasuke's arms snaked around me. Memories of last night came back and made me blush.

"HAS ANYONE SEEN FOREHEAD AND SASUKE?" I heard ino scream through the hallways.

Holy shit we had sex in ino's guest bedroom.

"Sasuke.... Sasuke wake up, we have to get dressed the others are looking for us"

He rolled over turning his back to me mumbling.

"Shhh pinky go back to sleep"


Sasusaku: Missing PieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora