Chapter 5: Bro's

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Sasuke pov;

"Remind me again why we're going over shikamaru's house?"

"To have a couple of beers with the guys teme, don't be a buzzkill"

"Tsk i just don't see the point!"

"I get it you want to sit around all day and think about sa- ku-ra" the dobe said in a teasing manner

It irritated me how he said her name, i would knock the dobe to next week but since he's my best friend I'll hold back.

"Whatever dobe"

"Why are we walking anyways? Couldn't we have taken a limo?" Naruto said complaining again.

"All of our kingdoms are not that far from one another and walking is good for you and so is a breath of fresh air so stop complaining idiot"

Eventually with some time and more complaints later we arrived at the Nara kingdom.

"Hello young masters master shikamaru has been awaiting your arrival follow me please" the guard at the gate said.

We did as we were told and followed him to shikamaru's game room in his castle.

"Oh shit its naruto and sasuke Whats up my dudes!" Kiba said loudly.

God he's just as obnoxious as the dobe over here.

"O-oh i-i did-didnt even s-ee them" choji said stuffing his face.

"Well the reason you didn't see him is because choji, you're currently stuffing your face with different chip at one time" shino stated.

"Ugh you guys are all such drags" shikamaru said flopping on the couch.

I couldn't agree more, honestly im surprised me and shikamaru dont hang out as much he seems more like me.

"Oh hi dickless" sai said sneaking up behind us.

"DAMNIT SAI DONT DO THAT!" Naruto yelled .

I rolled my eyes and found a seat on the couch. I grabbed a beer out the cooler and just thought about my next encounter with sakura.

"Hm" shikamaru said next to me.

I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow wondering why he is suddenly hming and looking at me.

"What is it?"

"What you thinking about sasuke? Who has your attention all of a sudden?" Shikamaru asked.

How the hell does he know? Maybe i was just thinking about something random!

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Hm its a drag but i know that look, its a look when someone is thinking about a woman, so who finally grabbed sasuke uchiha's heart?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Just as i was about to reply the hyuga walked in.

"Sorry im late everyone i had to help hinata prepare for ino's sleepover, by the way you're all invited she wants everyone there, she said something about a special guest joining" neji said.

His timing was impeccable I couldn't have been happier to see him, not that I don't trust shikamaru, but i don't want everyone in my business, I don't want them to think I've gone soft.

"Ahh ino's sleepovers there's bound to be something wild pop off, I'm in" kiba said gloating.

"Who's the special guest? Is it a performer or something?" Shikamaru asked.

"Hinata didn't give many details other than its a old friend of hers she wants us to meet" neji said sitting on a beanbag chair.

"Probably some guy"  the dobe said earning a glare from sai.

"Oh yeah sai how's it going with ino?" Shikamaru asked.

"You're really interested in others love life now a days huh?" I said looking at him.

"Oh so you were thinking about a particular love interest then?" He said with a smirk.

I turned my head away because i felt my cheeks suddenly warm at the fact i just got myself caught up, this is why I don't talk alot.

"The uchiha has a love interest? Do tell" neji said.

I simply ignored them taking a sip of my beer once more.

"Well if he won't talk im sure naruto will" shikamaru said eyeing naruto playfully.

I looked up and glared at naruto causing cold sweats to form on his forehead.

"A-ah guys it's not my place to tell if sasuke isn't opening up about it then neither should i" naruto said nervously.

I nodded at naruto and went back to drinking my beer.

"What if we bought you ramen would you tell then?" Shikamaru said smirking.

I knew then that naruto would fold, he would sell out his own mother for ramen, damn that shikamaru always finding a loop hole.

"Her name is Sakura, he met her at the marketplace as she was grocery shopping, thats all i know now where's my ramen!" Naruto said like a kid in a candy store just hyper.

I mentally facepalmed and gave a look of defeat.

"Hmm I'll call my chef, but Sakura huh? Is she cute"

No answer.

"Is she short?"

No answer.

"Which kingdom is she from?"

No answer.

"Damn sasuke you're like a brick wall, i assume we'll simply have to wait huh" shikamaru finally said.

"Hn" i said with a evil smirk.

They were not going to break me, hell even I've only seen her once, let me see her again before i go describing her to these bafoons.

"Well lets play some beer pong or something" kiba suggested.

"I'll play with you kiba, and the reason is because last time i was left out" shino said.

Sheesh, dude was still salty about that?? He should get a grip. I looked over to the side and saw naruto destroy a bowl of ramen in one go.

I don't know how the idiot manages to do it. Im surprised he's not made of ramen now.

I looker at my watch and noticed is was getting late, maybe i should stop by the market just in case she forgot something?Hm nah maybe tomorrow, she's probably already at home in bed. I should get going though I've had enough of my time here.

"Come on dobe im leaving"

"Whatt we just got here?! Im staying!" He said.

"Tsk suit yourself, im heading home if you decide to come back over mother should have already prepared dinner"

"See you later teme!"

After a short walk later, i made it back to uchiha kingdom. I went upstairs to find maids in my room again. For what reason I don't know. The room has been the same since this morning.

"Get out"

The maids trembled slightly before one stepped up and actually opposed me, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Sorry uchiha sir, but we're doing our job cleaning your room"

I raised a eyebrow and walked up on her slowly, with a glare no one should receive intimidating her more, and knocking off her fake armor of bravery.

"Listen..." i looked at her name tag " linda the room has been vacant until naruto and i left and it was still in good shape, you're just in here to be in my room, now as i said get the hell out, and stay out, if you're lucky you'll still wake up with a job in the morning"

She trembled as tears trickled slightly signaling for the maids behind her to take their leave with her.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the showers, after i got dressed in my sleep attire, she was still on my mind. Those green eyes, that pink hair, and that soft skin.

"Sakura haruno huh"

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