Chapter 7: Royal Sleepover

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Sakura pov:

Today is the day! Ino's sleepover im so excited yet so nervous! What will everyone think of me? Will half of them even like me? Ill stick out like a sore thumb!

Ino texted me 15 minutes ago saying that the limo was on the way. I double checked everything and made sure i had night clothes and day clothes. I bought a few snacks and some drinks.

"Hey sakura! The limo is here for us! Come on" tenten yelled outside my room door.

I grabbed my night bags and headed down to the door. Thank god, karin and Sayuri are taking their own personal limo over there, they're coming a little later because they want to "glam" up when its not even that serious. I had on a simple soft pink dress, some sandals, and had my hair curled softly, and some lip gloss on my lips, something simple and cute, meanwhile they had cake face. Not to mention they do their own makeup which is worse.

"Dont drag your ass come on princess" tenten said sarcastically.

"Im coming don't get your buns in a bunch!" I yelled back.

Madam was off for business so she wasn't here to judge me nor tenten.

"Hello, i will be taking you young ladies to the yamanaka kingdom" the driver said opening the door.

"Ahh lady Sakura its been a minute" he said giving me a smile.

"Oh yes it has, i hope you've been well!" I said greeting him.

He closed the door behind me and we made our way to ino's.

"Calm down girl he's not going anywhere!" Tenten said playfully.

"I am calm!" I said giving her a nice smile.

I lied, if anything i was far from calm, my nerves were everywhere! It was sasuke for god sake!

Sasuke pov;

"Oi teme! Come on your limo is waiting for us!"

"Im coming you idiot!  Im grabbing my bag" i yelled.

I genuinely wish i could see sakura, but it will be nice with the gang again. Although they're mostly annoying.

I walked downstairs and waved goodbye to mother and father, and left inside the limo.

"Calm down teme! You'll see your girlfriend another time!" Naruto said loudly.

"Shut up idiot she isn't my girlfriend! We just have something you know"

"You got it bad dude" he said chuckling.

"Whatever" i said rolling my eyes.

After a 20 minute drive we arrived at ino's. She had a guard take our things, and escorted us to where the sleepover was taking place. It was taking place in a big lounge room that had a big screen theater and couches, but she had a foosball and ping pong. She even had a karaoke set up. She was going all out.

"Sasuke naruto! Welcome to the party! Now im just waiting on my special guest!" She said excitedly.

I gave her a nod and went and sat down next to shikamaru.

"Hey sasuke this is a drag but whatever" he said .

"Everything is always a drag" i said sarcastically.

"Ha sarcasm noted" he said signing a invisible note pad.

As we talked a guard came and told ino her special guest was here, probably some lame performer ino contacted.

"Great! Bring them up!" Ino said.

After a few minutes i was still looking at my phone when ino introduced her guest.

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