Chapter 6: preparations

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Sakura Haruno:

Today, madam surprisingly agreed to me and tenten having today, Friday, and the weekend off, but she said that all of our chores had to be complete before we stepped foot out the house. Me and tenten woke up at 4:00 am just to start and now we're finished and heading straight to some boutiques.

"Oooh tenten look this golden gown would definitely compliment your eyes!" I said holding it up to her neck.

"Sakura that's the 10th gown you've said that too, can we just choose one and get going?!" Tenten said annoyed.

"Fine you buzkill, i just want to look cute for a royal family! Im buying two gowns I guess these two will do good for you, they're really pretty"

I walked with the four gowns towards the cashier and paid for them. I gave her a tip and me and tenten proceeded home.

"Are you excited to see your prince charming?" Tentem asked.

"Mhm hm who knows maybe you could find someone!" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Me? Please ino is royalty and I doubt any of her royal friends would find me interesting" tenten said.

I was about to object when i we passed by the market and heard the squeals of like a million females.

"What's going on ?" Tenten asked.

"I don't know but im going to go check it out, you can head on without me" i said running over there with the bags in my hands.

Once i got over to the market, females were all huddled up around something but finally dispersed.

I had no clue what they were fangirling about until i seen him.

Sasuke uchiha.

I nervously walked up to him, and tapped his shoulder.

Sasuke pov:

Here i am at the market looking for her, but being over run by these squealing idiots.

I finally snapped letting them know they were irritating me , i was a man on a mission and they were preventing me from completing it.

Soon after they left from around me i felt a tap on my shoulder.

I was about to turn around and go off until I realized who tapped me.

Sakura haruno.

"Hi" she said with a smile on her face and blush evident.

I softened my look, and spoke back.


"Want to go sit down where we did yesterday?" She asked as her eyes shimmered off the sun.

"Sounds good" i said walking behind her to the spot we spoke yesterday.

As we sat down I noticed she had some bags  in her hands, i was curious as to why.

"Whats with the bags?" I asked.

"Oh this? My friend is having something tomorrow and i wanted to have some nice clothes for when i go! Will you be here tomorrow?" She asked.

"Probably not, i have something to attend later that night but we can always meet the next day" i said.

"Oh okay, well i know it might be hard to reach me, so I'll tell you where i live, i live in Hokage Castle not to far from here"

"Wait where the legendary hashirama lived?" I asked.

"Oh yes, my step Mother is his granddaughter so she inherited it, so she's technically not royal just well known!"

"Also i have a phone, so here is my number, call or text me whenever you like I'll love to talk to you more" she said with a bright smile.

I kindly took the little slip of paper and memorized the number and slipped it in my pocket.

"I'll definitely call you" i said with a small smile.

"Hmm you should smile more, it brings out alot of your features more." She said sending back a smile.

"Hmm you've been looking at my features?" I said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

She started blushing and waving her hands frantically.

"N-no it's not like that! I was just saying you know" she said nervously

"Calm down i was only teasing you pinky" i said holding her hands down and moving a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She looked up at me and blushed again, looking at our hands.

After a long conversation about her kingdom and her plans she had to leave and head back home.

"Well it was nice spending another day with you sasuke,but i do have to go, i have to prepare for tomorrow, hopefully i get to see you soon" she said hugging me then kissing me on my cheek.

At this point I couldn't hide the blush that appeared on my face, she just placed her soft lips on my cheek. I waved goodbye and watched her as she left the market. I noticed females giving her stares but I couldn't care less, Sakura Haruno was the one for me.

I got up once Sakura was out of view and made
My way back home. I decided to walk again because it felt right. I kept touching my cheek, i couldn't forget how her lips felt. It felt like a spark ignited in me.

I made it home to be greeted by mother and father and surprisingly itachi and izumi.

"Hey my sasuke, how was your walk?" Mother asked

"It was okay Mother, its a beautiful day today" i said still touching my cheek smiling a little.

"Sweetheart is it something wrong with your cheek? Let me see" she said removing my hand, I noticed my mother blushing as she did so.

"What is it?" I asked my mother confused.

She was handed a mirror and held it up to my face, and I noticed a kiss mark in a bubble gum pink color. Sakura had left her kiss literally on my face.

I blushed at the mirror and instantly began, wiping it off.

"Ahh foolish little brother, these walks, now i see" itachi said.

"So who is she? What kingdom is she from?" Father asked.

I couldn't tell her business so i stalled for the time being, she had a plan to reclaim her throne so it'll have to wait until then.

"You'll all know shortly just bare with me okay?" I asked.

"Okay that's fine, i trust your judgement son, I'll cancel that ball for next month since you've finally began to settle on your own but please bring her to meet us soon" father said with a faint smile.

Something i was not used to at all. But it gave me hope.

Sakura pov:

Oh my god oh my god oh my god, I actually kissed him, even though it was on his cheek I actually kissed him. The thought made my face heat up and the memory replayed in my head all the way home.

Once i entered the doors, i was bombarded by karin and sayuri.

"What the hell are you blushing for?" Sayuri asked.

" did you go out and meet a guy? Who would want you? You're just a servant!" Karin said.

I simply ignored them and walked past them, they were not to ruin my day.

"Hey get back here we have chores for you!" Karin yelled.

"Sorry girls, im off for the next few days! Find someone else to be your slave" i said with a smile walking upstairs.

Tomorrow was the day, i was going to reveal myself at ino's sleepover shocking sasuke. I knew when he said he had things to do it was the sleepover so i made it to where it seemed like i had something else to do. I can't wait! Its going to be great!

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