Chapter 1: Sakura Haruno

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Sakura Haruno a girl born from a royal family far from the land of konoha. One day her mother was diagnosed with a incurable disease. Once her mother died her father wasted no time finding the next love of his life. After Sakura was introduced to her new step mother as one would say, she thought it would be nice to have a mom again. Little did she know. Her father soon died once Sakura turned the age of 10, leaving the girl to her step mother and two horrible step sisters. Their true colors soon came out as Sakura started to actually live in hell. They treated her like she was nothing, she should have gotten the same treatment as thing one and thing two but no she was treated less than. They made Sakura haruno a servant, but she made the best of it with her friend tenten.

Sakura pov:

Just another morning in this devilish castle, which meant another day of mistreatment from bitch and bitchier. God what has my life come to? A entire mess.

"Up peasant you're cleaning the bathrooms today! Don't slack off now get up!"

That was my "step mother"she's less of a fucking mother than anything. Her name being Tsunade, she might have brute strength and long lasting beauty but sheesh she's a pain in my ass

"Yes madam I'm awake now I'll get right on it"

I got up ran into my bathroom and showered with my cherry blossom scented wash. I brushed my teeth. Then got dressed in my dress and tying my apron around myself and and my bandanna on my bright pink hair. I grabbed my bucket with a toliet bowl cleaner and wash cloths and started my work.

Oh how much i hated this but could do nothing about it. When my father was alive he treated me like the princess i am. Ever since he died step mother was always jealous that i was actually more pretty than her spoiled daughters. So she made me a servant of the castle.

I walked into the bathroom of the main floor which wasn't all that dirty, i cleaned it with no problems, minimal gagging. I went to the servant bathroom next which was a little nastier I assume because men also use it. When i got to the two royal doofuses bathroom I almost threw up immediately. How in the actual hell is that two females can be so disgusting? They had tampons on the ground, used ones of course, they had makeup everywhere lets not even mention the toilets or their showers. Absolutely disgusting.

As i cleaned this catastrophic bathroom and took my leave and when i did there they were.

Clifford and big bird.

"Well well what do we have here" karin said.

"Seems we have a lost maid" sayuri said.

Yes the ultimate red disaster, karin and her blonde counter part, sayuri. Both bitches of the same caliber.

"Excuse me, i was just doing my duties cleaning the bathrooms" i said politely.

"Tsk, yeah and thats all you'll ever be is a janitor" sayuri said.

I retained from saying something bad because lord knows they'll overreact.

"Alright miss karin and Sayuri ill he taking my leave now"

I walked pass the two blabbering idiots back to my room.

"Sakura come here at once" Tsunade yelled.

What the hell have i done now?!? Ugh.

"Yes madam?" I said walking into her quarters.

"Tonight we have a guest coming over from the yamanaka kingdom, i need these ingredients picked up right away from the market place, head there at once and i expect everything to be here when you return and take tenten with you"

I looked at the list and it was extremely long, there was no way i could find all of this in a timely manner, but of course im forced to make it happen.

"Yes madam right away" i said taking the list.

As i reached the door she said something to me.

"And remember sakura stay ugly"

I nodded and closed the door gently.

"Stay ugly" she and i both know i trump over her hideous daughters, i hate it here, but i have no where else left to go. I ran to the servants quarters and quickly looked for tenten.

"Tenten are you here?" I said loudly.

"Over here sakura!" She yelled back.

I ran over to where her voice was heard and saw welding a new weapon. Tenten was a weapon lover, she loved all things sharp and brutal, but all in all she was a sweet person, her two buns on her head make her look like a innocent child.

"A new weapon huh?"

"You know it! You can never be too prepared! So what do you need!"

"Oh yes madam has assigned us to head to market and pick up these ingredients" i handed her the list.

"WHAT?!? All of this?!? How- what for??!!"

"Tell me about it, and for some dinner they have guest coming from the yamanaka kingdom apparently but lets go we don't need any fuss from them"

"Ugh come on, maybe i can sell some weapons while we're at it"

"Yeah yeah come on"

I grabbed some bags and me and tenten made our way to the doors. Until.

"Hey you ugly bitches, we need some things picked up so here's a list"

I clenched my fists and turned around to face elmo and big bird again.their list longer than the food list.

"Al of this stuff is stupid" tenten said blankly.

"Its only stupid because you can't have any of it weirdo" sayuri stated.

I was already over this conversation, they're annoying.

"Whatever we'll get it let us go now" i said grabbing tenten's wrist.

As me and tenten walked to the market, she was holding a case of weapons she was going to try to sell to commoners, i support the idea of course there's always room for extra money.

We finally made it and me and tenten separated, i of Course went straight to the market place hopping on the task at hand grabbing the buttload of ingredients.

I grabbed all the meats and grains and was now infront of the fruits and veggies.

On the list we needed 6 tomatoes and as I wasn't looking where i was going. I ran into someone and braced myself for the ground but the impact never came.

A arm was snaked around my waist and i was pulled into the person who caught me.

His dark eyes looking into mines.

"I-im sorry"

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