Chapter Twelve: Brighton & Board Games Pt.1

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to get a coffee, do you want anything Phil?"

I shook my head and Dan dumped his bag by me and headed off to the nearest Starbucks, I swear that boy is obsessed. As soon as Dan left my sight I caught a glimpse of Chris and Rachel walking towards us, they were a cute couple as they were both wearing their glasses which made them look geeky.


Rachel dropped her bag and threw her arms around me; I laughed and hugged her back. She was a hugger just like me which meant we got on just fine. She let go and stepped back as Chris also engulfed me in a hug.

"Where's Dan?"

I motioned towards Starbucks and Rachel's eyes lit up, like Dan she was obsessed with that place.

"Chris I'm going to Starbucks do you want anything?"

Chris shook his head and watched as his girlfriend began skipping in the same direction as Dan. I couldn't help but laugh at her; she was silly which meant she got along famously with the rest of us. Chris plopped himself down on a chair and I followed suit making sure not to leave Dan's bag behind.

Chris didn't look too good, as soon as Rachel was out of sight and earshot he turned to face me with a grim expression. What was wrong with my friend?

"Are you okay Chris?"

He shook his head and looked down at his lap where he was playing with his fingers.

"I did something stupid Phil which could ruin what Rachel and I have."

I couldn't think of anything that Chris could do that would put his relationship with Rachel in jeopardy. He was the kindest and most honest guy I knew so the fact that he was keeping something big from the girl he loved must be eating him up inside.

"What did you do?"

"Don't hate me but I cracked. A few days ago when Rachel and Dan were out in town, Amber came over to the flat."

The second I heard Amber's name my heart sunk in my chest, okay now I could name one stupid thing that Chris could do to ruin his perfect relationship. I sighed and shook my head before leaning back against the metal seat.

"What did you do Chris?"

He mirrored my movement.

"She asked to borrow our Wi-Fi until hers was set up so I let her in because I didn't know the code off by heart. Once I gave her the code she turned around and kissed me, I should have stopped her straight away but I didn't and I kissed her back. I enjoyed it Phil but then I remembered Rachel."

My mouth dropped open; he had cheated on Rachel with Amber of all people. We all assumed that Dan would be the first to crack but it looked like Chris was the weak link. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Chris you messed up. You need to tell Rachel, I wouldn't put it past Amber to blab if she doesn't get what she wants. It's best if Rachel hears from you and not from someone else. She might forgive you more that way. But you can't blame her if she gets pissed, if I was her I would get angry."

Chris gulped and dropped his head into his hands and shook his head. He loved Rachel and everyone knew that but this had the potential to ruin the strong trust the two of them had. I didn't want to pick sides if they did break up because I'd known Chris longer but then I'd grown close to Rachel so I'd have to balance the both of them. Though that was a worst case scenario, and I hoped they resolved this without breaking up.


I was standing in the queue when I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist which caused me to jump backwards in shock. A girl giggled behind me and I turned around only to come face to face with a grinning Rachel who looked proud of herself for scaring me. I put a hand over my chest; thank god it wasn't some random fangirl.

Bookshop Encounters (Chris Kendall/Crabstickz) Bk 1: FF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now