lix. gold

31 4 4

Cassie's POV





No. No. No.

I could feel so many gazes on me. Some knew what had been coming, but many hadn't. I hadn't. Harry's stare was burning into the side of my head, but how could I look at him? How could he even look at me, knowing I was the daughter of his worst enemy?

"Wormtail, untie her."

I felt the coldness of his new arm press against my wrist briefly before the supports above me were gone. Not ready to hold my weight, I dropped to the ground, just barely able to get my hands out in front of me to keep my face from hitting the ground.

"Cassandra, I hear you have made some questionable friends." I hated the way my name sounded when he said it. "No matter, I find I can be quite forgiving. You are left with two choices: join me or you can die with them."

I tried to push myself up to a sitting position, but my arms were still too weak. This time my head did collide with the dirt, resulting in an unpleasant face full of mud.

"I suggest you think carefully before you decide. In the meantime, I am going to prove to you all that what happened that night was nothing but a foolish mistake. The boy shall fight, without the protection of Dumbledore or his mother, and you all shall see which of us is stronger... Now untie him, Wormtail, and give him back his wand."

I tilted my head up, watching in horror as Harry was released from his binds against the gravestone and his wand was returned to him.

"Have you learned proper dueling before, Potter? Well, first we bow." Voldemort demonstrated, leaning down rigidly while Harry stayed still.

"I said, we bow." With a wave of his wand, Harry was bending forward, gritting his teeth as he tried to fight the instinct. "And now we duel."

Before Harry could even raise his wand he was hit with the Cruciatus Curse, making my body burn as if I was feeling it myself. I had felt it so many times, I refused to sit by while my friend had to feel the same.

I pushed myself up, my arms nearly giving out again but I wouldn't let them. A new determination overcame me to at the very least get on my feet. Here I was, lying helpless on the ground, while Harry was dueling Lord Voldemort. I hated when people treated me like I couldn't take care of myself, but I never proved otherwise.

I paid little attention to the duel, knowing either Harry would hold him off long enough for something to happen, or he would die trying. All I had to focus on was a few steps...

I pressed my hand against the tree, using it to pull myself up. I found that once the weight was off my arms it became much easier to manage my bodyweight—my legs had taken far less damage.

I was distracted by a flash of light out of the corner of my eye. Harry and Voldemort's wands had met, intertwining red and green that soon turned into gold. It was quite the sight—like golden fireworks exploding around them before it turned into a thin shield around them. It didn't look natural, and the Death Eaters hesitantly stepping back only confirmed that.

Blue orbs sprouted from Voldemort's wand, turning into what looked like human figures. The gold haze made me unable to tell who they weren't, but Harry had started talking to them. After a moment, he turned to make eye contact with me—his eyes yellow through the golden cloud.

I couldn't say how I knew, but as they met I knew exactly what he was planning, and exactly what he wanted me to do. I nodded gently, showing I understood but not so the others around would notice anything, and he turned back.

I waited for his signal, bracing myself to run. The gold later seemed to be growing weaker until Harry suddenly pulled his wand upward, shouting, "NOW!"

I ran towards Cedric, relying on the hope that Voldemort wouldn't go at me. I didn't know how much humanity was left in him, but being his daughter has to hold some leverage, right?

Harry had ducked behind a gravestone, waiting to run when he knew he could make it. Death Eaters began approaching both of us but he called them off.

"No! No, they are mine! He's mine to kill!" I slowly reached across Cedric, grimacing as I pulled his wand from his hand. It was times like these I cursed all the loaner wands I had borrowed in classes instead of getting my own—not that I was in these positions often.

"You cannot hide from me, Harry Potter. And you betray your blood, Cassandra."

I raised my head so I could meet his glowing red eyes. A little part of me felt all defiant and badass before remembering I was in a life-or-death situation and didn't have time to reflect on how cool I could be.

"Blood means nothing," I spat, raising the wand and pointing it at the cup. "Accio."

It was like time moved in slow motion. The Triwizard Cup began hurtling towards me as Harry tore across the graveyard to where I sat. I put a hand on Cedric's arm, set on making sure he would make it back with us.

My other arm extended towards Harry, palm up so he could easily grab it. All I could see was the boy running towards me, one hand out to take mine as he watched the Cup.

His hand had just barely grazed mine as his other hand grabbed the Cup, instantly pulling us out of the graveyard. Voldemort's cursing could be heard faintly in my ears but all I focused on was the hand in mine.

Three down, but it felt like we still had so so many to go.

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