lv. ring

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Cassie's POV

Bliss only lasts for so long. And soon enough it was time for the third task.

We stood in front of the Quidditch pitch, a maze growing up from the grass. We had seen it building for months, but now it was really there, really happening. It wasn't just some bushes in the field—it was a potential death trap.

I was next to Cedric and Mr. Diggory, Harry and the Weasleys close by. They had tied for first place so they would be the first into the maze. I wished I could have had a little longer, though I suppose I would always want more time. This was a school event, teachers wouldn't let them die. Yet, I still had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I remembered the triangle from Divination months ago. Harry and Ron had brushed it off but I still feared something was going to go wrong. It was just a question of who the three people would be...

Announcements started, telling the crowd what was happening in the maze and how the whole procedure was going to go down. I ignored most of it, simply clutching Cedric's arm. He had a hand resting on my opposite shoulder, rubbing up and down in a methodical motion.

"Everything is going to be alright, Cass. You have nothing to worry about," he leaned down to whisper.

"You don't know that. You don't know what's in there."

"I promised you I would make it out of the maze and I will. Remember? We did the pinky thing." He took my hand, linking out pinkys in demonstration.

"Right. I know you'll come out. You have to."

There was a beat of silence, the weight of our words hanging in the air. The positivity that we didn't really have, but was the only thing we were holding onto.

I love you," I said quietly, the words falling out before I could process what I was saying. I don't think I had ever said it out loud to anyone other than my mother and that must have been years ago.

He stared down at me for a moment, as though he was considering my words as well. I wondered if it was out of place to say. Were there rules surrounding those words that I had crossed? Had it gone too far?

"I love you, too." He was smiling like an idiot, but I didn't feel the need to call him out on it this time. This smile was comforting more than cocky knowing that I was the one who caused it.

The moment ended all too quickly as he had to focus on what was being said before going into the maze. I took a step away, discreetly taking Harry's hand and squeezing.

"Are you ready for this?"

He shook his head. "Far from it, but don't have a choice do we?"

"Nope. I believe in you though."

"That's all I need."

I pulled him into a hug, not wanting to let go. I heard the flash of a camera behind me, surely Skeeter trying to dig us into a deeper hole, but I didn't care anymore. The only people who existed right now were me and Harry.

"Potter, Diggory, get ready!"

"You gotta let go, Cass." I held onto him tighter, savoring each second before pulling away. There wasn't anything to worry about. He was Harry freaking Potter, he had evaded death already more time than I could count.

I stayed by the Weasleys, preferring to stand with them than Mr. Diggory and needing someone who I knew was equally as worried about the boys.

"He'll be just fine, dear," she smiled warmly, pulling me to her side. "Everything will work out."

A whistle sounded and they both tore into the maze, the bushes swelling behind them until they were out of sight.

No words were spoken, everyone listening to see what they could hear from inside. A few minutes later Viktor was allowed in. I sent him a thumbs up to which he nodded.

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