xix. weird

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Lately, I had been spending my time sitting on the bench that surrounded the Goblet of Fire. I wasn't really sure why, but the steady flame brought me a sense of comfort.

I think part of me was watching for Cedric, to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. He had been by a few times with his friends, but never to put his name in. Whenever I asked about it his answers were very vague and left me concerned.

I had seen many things. Many students trying to find ways to cross the age line Dumbledore had created. The most amusing were the Weasley twins, getting into a fight when their aging potion failed.

As the week went on less and less people were coming to the Goblet. Everyone had wanted to get their name in as soon as possible. I suppose if I had any desire to enter, I would do the same, put it in before I could change my mind.

I was looking down at my book when I felt someone sit down beside me. I glanced over to see the familiar blue tones of a Beauxbatons girl. Much to my surprise, I recognized her as the one Harry and Ron had been drooling over at the feast.

"You know," she said with a French accent. "everyone is talking about you."

I waited for her to continue but she was quiet, staring thoughtfully at the fire swirling a few feet in front of us.

"Um, good to know?" I responded, not sure where this conversation was going.

"People from all the schools. Many say you're weird or quiet. All say you are very pretty."

"Right... great," I self-consciously reached up to pull at a strand of hair.

"I don't understand it." Ouch. Well, that kinda hurt. Seeing my expression, she added: "Oh, sorry. I meant the weird part. You seem normal to me."

I thought back to the many hallways I had been avoiding because they were crowded with too many people or other students I had quite obviously flinched away from. Sure... normal.

"I suppose it's nothing explicit, but it's there. I mean, there's weird in everyone, right?" I laughed gently, much more assured when she laughed with me.

"I'm Fleur, by the way."

"I'm..." I trailed off, looking back over at the Goblet, frozen to my spot as I watched Cedric drop a piece of parchment into it.

"Cassie, right? I've heard it around," Fleur filled my silence. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm really sorry. If you could excuse me." I dropped my book onto the bench rushing towards the clump that had surrounded Cedric, patting him on the back.

"What the hell, Cedric Diggory?" I saw the broad smile fading from his face as he heard me.

"Cass I—" I refused to listen to anything he had to say. Perhaps I was acting irrationally, but I was so terrified of what would happen if he got pulled that I couldn't even think.

"Did we not talk about this? Do you not understand that entering could be a death wish?" I could tell that he genuinely felt bad, but I knew that if I had this outburst earlier his name would still be burning in that cup. This was his decision, but that didn't mean I couldn't be upset about it.

"I can explain—" He put an arm on my shoulder that I quickly shrugged off.

"No. No, you're just a fucking idiot."

"Watch your mouth, Cassie," He chastised, crossing his arms.

"Why?" I shouted, throwing my arms out to the sides. "You're not my father, hell you're not even my brother! You're just the unfortunate  person who got stuck with me, and I'm sorry that I'm here to make your life so difficult." The look of pain and shock that crossed his face made me immediately regret my words, but I couldn't take them back now.

I turned on my heels, roughly grabbing my book off the bench. Fleur shot me a look of sympathy and stood up but didn't follow as I marched away.

Cedric was calling after me, but I chose to ignore it. I couldn't handle that conversation, not yet. I risked a glance behind me to see that Fleur had put a hand out to stop him, saying, "I don't think you are the best person to talk to her right now."

I turned forward, not looking back until I reached the Gryffindor common room, falling onto the couch and praying that no one would come in.

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