xl. stain

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Cassie's POV

Draco and I danced a few times, but mostly we sat at one of the tables, heads leaned together as he told me stories about his childhood and the mysterious girl he called Hope. I knew that wasn't her actual name by the way he hesitated every time he used it, but I didn't mind. I knew better than anyone names didn't always mean that much.

I saw the ghost of a smile cross Draco's lips as he finished a story, in which he and Hope had tracked mud through his house, and tried to run from his furious parents. They thought they had found a good hiding place before getting caught because they left brown footprints wherever they went.

I tilted my head back laughing, feeling fully invested in his stories. They felt so real, like I had been the one living them but they were just out of grasp.

I clutched my stomach, thinking it simply hurt from laughing too hard before realizing that after I had calmed down it still ached. The bruises felt like they were getting worse and worse, and it was getting more difficult to ignore them.

Draco looked at me with concern, noticing the pained expression that washed over my face.

"I'm fine," I assured him, forcing a smile. "Just feeling a little sick. I think I might go to the bathroom quickly." He rose with me, an arm protectively on my elbow as we walked. It reminded me of the beginning of school when no one would let me do anything alone, but this didn't feel as overbearing. Draco didn't know, this was just his personality.

He stood outside the door as I went inside, choosing the largest stall. I struggled to unzip my dress, twisted my arm to reach the clasp. Once I had it off, I laid it over the stall door, not wanting the dirty floor to ruin it. I was grateful Hermione had me wear a strapless bra, not leaving me completely exposed in the cool air.

I felt across my rib cage, looking at the blotches that covered much of my torso. I cringed as my fingers glided across each one, yet the pain didn't feel the same. It was like an internal pain that I didn't recognize.

An idea flickered through my mind, though I didn't dare believe it. It had been nearly a year, out of all nights it couldn't possibly pick tonight.

I sat down on the toilet, hesitantly pulling down my underwear. Sure enough, I was met with red stains, making me gasp. I wasn't sure if it was in surprise or excitement, but nevertheless, I froze, not sure what to do.

This wasn't my first period, but it had been a long time since I got it. The doctors had told me that because of the physical and emotional stress I had been put under, it would likely come at very irregular times. Getting it meant things were back to some normalcy, but of course with my luck, I would get it tonight.

Was I supposed to put my dress back on and go out there? I didn't even have any pads or tampons? Was I supposed to go to Madam Pomfrey for that?

After debating for a few moments, I wrapped my underwear in toilet paper, not wanting to bleed out onto them much more, and slipped my dress back on. It wasn't as easy without Hermione's help but after a short while, I looked presentable again.

Draco was by my side the minute I left the bathroom, try as I did to escape him. He was insistent I wasn't as okay as I claimed I was. I mumbled something about needing to find Hermione, attempting to walk away once again.

"The mudblood? Why do you need her? Just let me help." He grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"For one thing, don't call her that. And secondly, you can't help me."

"Why not? What's wrong?"

"I got my period!" I yelled in frustration. It came out a lot louder than was necessary, though the people around us didn't seem to notice. "I am slowly bleeding out, walking around in a pool of blood, and I need Hermione! Okay?"

He stared at me with a look of terror before nodding quickly. "Alright, I'll try over there." He pointed off towards the tables while I went to check around the dance floor.

I laughed softly, his startled face ingrained in my mind, before putting my whole attention into finding Hermione. My makeshift pad was worrying me, and I especially didn't want to get blood on my dress, especially considering it was partially white.

This night just seemed to be getting better and better—and I can't even tell if that's sarcasm or not.

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