xxviii. hormones

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Cassie's POV

Why was I always in an argument with someone? I could never have a moment of peace, right when I fixed things with one person a new problem arose.

After Cedric and I made up when he entered the Tournament I was fighting with Ron. As soon as that was done, Harry and I were... was that even a fight? I truly couldn't tell.

All I knew was that I woke up feeling as though I had gotten no sleep. The reason for that was unknown, though I could take a wild guess.

I went back up to my dorm to quickly get ready for breakfast, accidentally waking Hermione in the process.

"Why are you up so early?" she asked, rubbing her eyes. Typically, she had to wake me up—the starts of my nights were full of tossing and turning so by the time I finally was asleep I was exhausted.

"I couldn't really sleep so I went downstairs. Didn't do much help except for some problems with Harry and Ron," I replied, retrieving my school robes from the trunk at the bottom of my bed. Without being given much of a choice, Hermione had me explain to her what exactly had transpired throughout the night. I left out the part about Sirius, assuming she knew but not wanting to say anything if she didn't.

"Merlin, I swear these boys weren't so problematic the first three years," she sighed as my story concluded, both of us now dressed and walking out the door.

"Is it just me? I wouldn't be offended if you said I was the problem; I wonder it myself."

Hermione looked thoughtful for a moment, as though considering my statement. While I had completely meant it, her anticipated response still left me a bit nervous.

"No," she said as we entered the Great Hall. "I think it is simply hormones."

She seemed so serious and sure of herself I couldn't help but laugh. "Do these hormones go away soon? Because I don't think I can take them much longer."

Hermione giggled; a sound I don't think I had heard from her before. Unfortunately, she stopped quickly to inform me that hormones never go away. We can only hope boys learn how to manage them.

When the boys entered the hall, each at separate times, they spared us a quick glance before sitting down at a different spot of the table. Ron's eyes held concern, flicking between me and Harry as he remembered the events of early morning.

Harry's whole demeanor was much more solemn. I could tell that he felt terribly for the events of last night and said as much to Hermione. I announced that I was going to talk to him.

Hermione stopped me with a hand on my arm. "No, you are not."

"Whyever not? I don't want to deal with this any longer," I pouted, still sitting back down to see what Hermione had to say.

"Cass, you're the type of person who would apologize if someone bumped into you. I see no way you are in the wrong, so let him come to you." I nodded slowly, understanding her point. "And don't give in to some half-ass apology. He needs to see that what he did was not okay." Besides a giggle, a swear was not something I ever expected to come out of Hermione Granger's mouth. Yet, it did, and the masked anger that I could sense behind it made me frightened to even think of going against her advice.

I stole one last glance at him as Hermione and I left the hall. His green eyes were already watching mine. He mouthed 'Can we talk?' but I looked away before he could finish. Perhaps Hermione was right, I had done nothing to provoke any conflict, I just needed some time to myself. That wasn't selfish, was it?

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