xxxvi. haze

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Cassie's POV

Harry tied with Viktor! Although Karkaroff had given him a poor score in his own interests, it still left all of Gryffindor in hysteric joy by the time we got back to the dorms.

A party was swiftly kicked into motion, alcohol passing among the older students. One of the Weasley twins—I still couldn't tell which was which—offered me some but I quickly declined. After experiences at my old house, I didn't trust myself around it.

Harry was hoisted into the air, holding the golden egg high in the air. "Should I open it?" he called out, catching everyone's attention. He was met with cheers as he twisted the top off.

A horrible high-pitched screaming sounded through the room, making most people cover their ears. Harry resealed the top as quickly as he could.

The party seemed to slowly die out after that, the golden egg really killing the mood. After a few hours, the only ones left were Harry, Ron, Hermione, and me.

Harry sat on the end of the sofa as I swung my legs over the back of it and put my head on his lap. Hermione moved next to me and rested her head against me. Ron threw his legs over hers, making it so we could all fit.

We all fell asleep around the same time, my last coherent thought being how perfect it felt. How I knew at that moment, that without a doubt, this was what family felt like.

I woke up with my legs numb from poor blood circulation and a terrible crick in my neck, but I couldn't have cared less. Besides Harry, it seemed I was the last one up. I could only imagine how exhausted he was after yesterday—you don't fight a dragon one day and move on the next without any side effects.

We left him to sleep, getting breakfast and bringing some food back for him. Luckily, we didn't have any classes today so he could get as much rest as he wanted, at least that was what we thought.

Yet, when we reached the common room everyone was rushing around getting ready for something. I saw Neville walking by and called out to ask him what was going in.

"There's a post on the notice board," he explained. "We're supposed to meet Professor McGonagall at 10. No idea what it's for."

"Huh. Thanks, Neville." I returned to the trio, telling them what I had learned. They each asked questions to which I had no answer before we went to get dressed before we made ourselves late.

McGonagall led us to a large open room, instructing boys and girls on either side.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it began. On Christmas Eve night we join with the other schools for well-mannered frivolity," McGonagall began, as Filch stood beside her fidgeting with a gramophone. "As the host school, it is our duty to set a good example. I will not have you besmirching the House of Godric Gryffindor besmirching the name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

"Try saying that 5 times fast," I heard one of the Weasley twins whisper loudly from across the room.

"You will all be expected to put your best foot forward, and I mean that quite literally for the Yule Ball is a dance."

Groans sounded from the boys' side while excited squeals came from the girls'. I wasn't sure how to feel. I had never experienced anything remotely dance-like, and the idea of it seemed overwhelming. Like a formal party with fancy dresses, and having to ask people to go with you.

"Mr. Weasley, will you join me please?" McGonagall extended her hand to Ron. Harry and Seamus pushed him forward as he tried to shake his head.

"Put your hand on my waist."

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