xli. peaceful

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Harry's POV

Ron wasn't happy about Hermione going to the dance with Krum.

That much was evident from the shouting match the two were currently engaged in. She was apparently associating with 'the enemy' and that did not go over well. While it was a bit entertaining, I knew I should break it up. They were starting to draw attention, and both would regret this in a few days. I opened my mouth to say something when I saw a figure running around the room.

Knowing the twins had spiked the punch, this didn't catch me as odd. Until I realized who it was. Draco Malfoy did not strike me as the type of person who couldn't hold alcohol and he would sooner drop dead than make a fool out of himself on his own accord.

He looked panicky, an expression that wasn't familiar to him. My first thought was to Cassie. They hadn't left each other's side all night, and the way his eyes were nervously flitting around the room I could tell. Something was wrong. I got up and began to move towards him when he saw our group, rushing over.

"Granger, I need you," he said, ignoring me and Ron.

Hermione and Ron's argument halted quickly. "What?" Hermione raised her eyebrows before realizing Cassie was nowhere to be seen. "What happened? Where is she?"

He gestured across the room and they both started walking away.

"Hold on, I want to know what's going on!" Ron exclaimed, standing up with me behind.

"Yeah, what did you do, Malfoy?" I noticed he walked at a fast pace, seemingly to be genuinely worried about something.

"I didn't do anything, she—I'm not at liberty to explain," He waved his hand as Cassie came into view. She smiled in relief upon seeing Hermione, though it faltered when she saw me and Ron.  She walked right past us, taking Hermione's arm and pulling her out into the corridor.

The three of us stood in awkward silence for a moment before Ron started talking, clearly still fed up by the girls' choice of dates. Malfoy got the backhand of it, and I almost felt bad. I doubted anyone could really feel bad for him.

"Ron relax," I muttered, not seeing his anger as getting us anywhere. "Malfoy, what's going on?"

"She's not hurt. I don't think she is... I don't know how it works," he stammered, another unusual feat for him.

"How what works?"

"It's normal. But there's blood—"

"Bloody hell, Malfoy, you scared us. I think she just got her period," Ron explained. "I was in the room when Mum gave Ginny the talk, I'm still trying to forget it."

Malfoy shook his head. "There was more to it, though. She seemed unusually happy, but also kind of scared at the same time."

No one answered. No one had anything to say. We all knew something was up with Cassie, but wouldn't get anywhere asking.

My thoughts moved to the fact that we just had a marginally civil conversation with Draco Malfoy. I didn't like that it was because of Cassie, why would she change his typical demeanor. Was there something between them?

I was interrupted by Hermione and Cassie returning, Cassie looking much better than she did before. Much more at ease, though she seemed a bit tense and unsteady.

"Are you alright?" I asked when they neared us.

She snorted. "So now you plan to talk to me? It was quite obvious you were trying to avoid me earlier, but now you want to care?"

"Cass, I—" She waved her hand, cutting me off.

"Nope. No, you don't get to apologize right now. I don't feel like talking to you. As for Ron, you need to accept that life isn't always gonna be nice to you. And you're gonna have regrets, but you can't take them out on other people." She looked over at Malfoy for a long time, tilted her head as she thought. "You need to stop being mean. Because you aren't, but you pretend to be. Hope would be disappointed in the person you've become."

I had no idea who this Hope person was, but the name seemed to hit him pretty hard. We stood in shock at Cassie's outburst, not used to her being so outright with her thoughts.

"I don't want to do this people shit anymore, I'm going to bed." She abruptly turned away, going back out the way she had come.

"I tried a pain killer charm but I don't think it worked exactly how it's supposed to," Hermione said quickly, glancing in the direction Cassie had left. "For the record, I still agree with her and think you're all assholes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make sure she doesn't kill herself trying to walk up the stairs."

From then on, it seemed the party was mostly over. Ron and I went upstairs to the common room and I saw Malfoy leave a bit before us.

Ron and I exchanged a glance upon entering, seeing Cassie passed out on the floor in front of the couch. Hermione was on the armchair next to her, half asleep as she tried to watch Cass.

At least she had changed out of her dress, but she still looked like a mess. I chuckled quietly while walking around to stand by her. Hermione started to protest, but Ron shushed her and threw a blanket over her. She sighed and shook her head before giving in, leaning back and closing her eyes.

I slid my arms beneath Cassie's back and knees, setting her gently on the couch. She stirred slightly, but didn't wake. I brushed a strand of hair from off her face before hearing a throat clear next to me. Ron nodded up to the stairs and I followed.

I glanced back quickly to see her lying there, looking so peaceful. I savored the moment, knowing tomorrow she would be anything but.

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