chapter 8

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I woke up in the same room, I can't remember I falling asleep but I remember last thing is I was with Sangyeon. He really scares me last time I met him and now i wish I won't see him again but that's only my thought. Why don't he just kill me instead of let me stay here.

Knock knock.

I heard the knock on the door, I lay down on the bed again and shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. I heard him chuckles

"I know you awake already" I heard the voice of him and knew it was Sangyeon.

I didn't sit up and stay lay on the bed. I was still afraid of him after what he did to me. "Get up" he says.

I sat up and looked at him "please don't hurt me" he lifts my chin up.

"No one gonna hurt you if you're behave"

"Please, just let me go" I says. With that his expression changed from innocent to dark side. He suddenly gripped my nape tightly and pulled me closer to him.

"When I said no, then it's no. Understand!" He says with angrily. I nods.

I don't want him to get upset at me so i have to follow his words. He suddenly chuckles and I look up at him confused, what is he laughing at?

"Don't need to be afraid of me." he says.

"W-who are you? Why don't you just let me go from here." I asked him while looked at his face. He raises his eyebrows and licking his lips.

"I'm part of a group of Mafia. I'm the leader of the group and I guess you already know why I didn't let you go." he says

That's enough to scares me. Now I believe what Aera says to me about the mafia.

"Listen here, the whole mansion is surrounded by guards and ring alarms." he leans closer to whisper in my ear.

"Try to escape if you dare" he wasn't kidding when he said I will never escape from him.

"I-i don't know if I'm going to be able to not be afraid of you, I mean you are in a M-Mafia" I decided to speak to him.

"I understand you might be afraid of me and I know it will take you a while to get close to me and get to know me well" he stood up and walked towards the door again.

Before he walked out he turned around.

"I need to go now, get washed up and changed. The maid will send you a meals and make sure you eat it, I'll comeback and see you later" I nods, before I could even reply to him, he walked out and shut the door close.

I slowly got up from the bed and went to cupboard, I found a lot of dresses and clothes everything is new. I picked out an sweatshirt and black leggings. I shut the cupboard door and goes to bathroom to changes


This is how the mansion looks like in case you guys are wondering :)

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This is how the mansion looks like in case you guys are wondering :)

Mine | Lee Sangyeon ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora