That I will come around

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"B-Barry?" Joe's voice trembled as he recognized the man he'd taken in when he was younger. "Joe, do you remember this place?" Barry spoke clearly. Joe looked around. Nothing came into his mind. It was just random field outside the city.

"Maybe you'd remember it when you'd hit me in the face and pushed me to the ground." The anger in Barry's voice was incredibly great. Fear surged through Joe's body as he remember what he'd done. And he knew Barry was now going to make him pay for all the things he'd done to him.


"I've got a location!" Cisco yelled, startling Wells and Caitlin. "So he was not after me?" Caitlin asked. Wells shook his head. "Apparently not. Let's go."

They went to the STAR labs van and Cisco drove them to the edge of the city. "If I get a ticket, Barry's paying it!" Cisco yelled. From a distance, they could already see what was happening. Joe was on the ground, blood streaming over his head. "We need to
get him back to STAR labs quickly to
give him the antidote Caitlin made" Wells said. Cisco stopped the car abruptly and he and Caitlin got out and ran to Joe and Barry.

"Barry, stop!" Cisco yelled when Barry grabbed Joe's neck. Then he reached for his gun and aimed it at Barry, who didn't seem to stop. "Sorry, Cait" Cisco mumbled as he fired up the gun and shot at Barry, who fell to the ground. Panicing, Caitlin ran to Barry, who was lying unconscious on the ground. Joe was panting, still petrified. "Come on" Cisco had put the gun to the ground and helped Joe up. Though he didn't like Joe, the man was still hurt.

With Barry and Joe in the back of the van with Caitlin, they drove back to STAR labs.

Caitlin first took care of Joe, who was bleeding pretty badly. When he finally fell asleep, Caitlin and Cisco joined Dr Wells at Barry's side. "It's time to cure him" Wells said. Caitlin took the syringe and emptied it in Barry's arm. Instantly, he shot up in bed. The anger in his eyes had not faded. Instead, it was crackling with lightning for a moment. The next thing Cisco knew, Barry and Caitlin were gone. "Shit" he deadpanned.

The world stopped spinning eventually and Caitlin realized she was in an abandoned factory, though it was too dark to recognize anything around her.

"Barry?" her trembling voice called out. Not being able to see him scared her because the cure didn't seem to be working. Why else would she be here? Though she tried the best she could, Caitlin didn't manage to get Frost out. She was on her own. 

Lightning flashed around her. Barry was running around her in circles. What was he doing? Slowly, Caitlin raised on her feet. "Barry, stop" she called out calmly. Nothing in her voice betrayed her that she was terrified of what came next. Barry stopped right in front of Caitlin. It was dark again but it didn't matter. She touched his face and kissed him. 


All the anger left Barry's body at once. He felt safe. And at that moment, he was certain that Caitlin was the love of his life. 

And she knew it too. 

[the end]

Thank you for reading my book!

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