We love, we hate

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lmao this is not a joke, there were 6 comments on my last chapter on how the story should continue: 3-3. A TIE, REALLY? HAHA. Well, I guess I have to choose now anyways... (pls dont be mad). 

The danger hadn't passed. Barry had lost his speed but Blackout still thought he could feed from Barry. Dr Wells had come to STAR labs to figure this situation out together. For two days, they almost spend all their time in the cortex. Barry hadn't left at night to make sure Caitlin was okay. He'd only gone to work a couple of hours before returning to check on her. And he'd only leave when someone else was there for her, like Dr Wells or Cisco. Nothing had changed in her condition. 

Now they were all together in the Cortex, looking at one of the computer screens. It showed live video footage from the parking lot of STAR labs. It was Blackout. He was yelling at the camera. "I know you're in there, Dr Wells! Are you afraid to come out and see what you've created?" 

"So that's his deal. He's angry because he blames you for what happened to him" Barry sighed. "As he should. It was my fault."

"We need a plan" Cisco said. "We can't beat him without my speed" Barry commented. Dr Wells nodded, already thinking about a plan. "What if we somehow get your speed back?" he then wondered aloud. "Is that possible?"

"Well, we'd just need to give you a boost. The dark matter should be in your system but we may have to give you some of that too" Cisco said. "We'll never be able to do all that before he blasts down the doors and finds us here" Barry said, looking back at the live footage. "You're right. I'll distract him while Cisco gets to work" Dr Wells was already out of the cortex before either Barry or Cisco could stop him. They were still looking at the footage, when a grunt distracted them. It was Caitlin. She had woken up. "Hey, how are you?" Barry asked, quickly moving to her side. "W-where am I?"

"We brought you to STAR labs."

"Who are you? Did you kidnap me? I want to leave. I don't know any of you, nor this place" Caitlin started to panic but was still too weak to just get up and walk away. Barry glanced at Cisco, shocked. "She must have amnesia or something" he said while checking her vitals. "Look, I'm Barry, your friend, the Flash, okay? You don't need to worry!"

A lot was happening at the same time. Though they should be working on fixing Barry's speed, they knew they couldn't leave Caitlin like this. It took them a couple minutes to calm her down and once she did, she was just as friendly as before, like she remembered them. She was actually understanding about her condition and believed she was suffering from amnesia. It didn't take much to let her trust them. "Now we need a plan to get your speed back" If Cisco hadn't said that, Barry would have stayed with Caitlin for many more hours. "But how?"

Cisco snapped his fingers, "The treadmill. We send a lightning bolt through it, combined with dark matter and it should restart your powers again. I'll get to work" He ran to the other room and got on to it. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Caitlin asked, making Barry's heart melt. But he nodded. "I need to be able to protect the ones I love. And the city needs me too."

I am so terrible at updating :((( 

I'll try to write ahead a bit so y'all don't have to wait half a week!

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