Like I know my way

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Caitlin had thought about her conversation with Dr Wells. She had totally ruined it by being too persuasive. She needed a way to distract her mind. Looking through her clothes, she realized she could use some new clothes. The weather was perfect: it wasn't too hot and not too cold. Besides, the sun was shining. Walking through the mall, Caitlin thought about what she was gonna do next. She couldn't stalk Dr Wells, could she? With two shopping bags in her hand, she walked towards the elevator. She could see how a woman was entering. She had to hurry is she wanted to get there in time! But the doors were already closing, so Caitlin dropped her pace. But then a man opened the closing door with his hands and entered as well. He was bald and wore ordinary clothes. Yet something didn't feel right. Like her gut was telling her to wait. The doors closed a few meters in front of her, and she knew she didn't have another option now. She sat down on a bench to her right. She had no idea what was actually going on in that elevator and how lucky she was that she didn't get on it...


Cisco had come in early that morning. As had Dr Wells. They had been designing the Particle Accelerator ring as a metahuman prison. With two smart brains, it seemed to work already! When Barry came in at nine thirty, he was surprised to see what the two geniuses had been working on. "How do we know this thing works?" he asked. Cisco glanced at Dr Wells, hoping he had a better answer than: when we catch a metahuman. But his answer was what Cisco expected. When we catch a metahuman. "Let's pray it does what it's supposed to" Dr Wells added. They returned to the Cortex. 

Just when they entered, alarms went off. Cisco hurried to his chair and checked what was going on. "There had been a meta attack at the mall. Police is already on the scene. Wanna check out what happened?" Cisco turned in his chair a bit and smirked at Barry. He nodded and sped into his suit. Within a second he was at the mall. "What could I possibly be looking for?" Barry asked into his comms. He was using his speed as he was investigating the crime scene. That way no one could see him. They'd only see a gust of wind when he'd run away. "I don't know, maybe some hint of what happened there? What kind of meta we're dealing with?" Cisco suggested. "There's a body of a woman here. I think I recognize her. I think she was a judge" Barry said. There was no wound she had died from. He stood up to see if he could find any other way she could have died. All he saw was this green fog disappear into some sort of hallway. He frowned, wondering what the hell that was. He ran after it. But in that hallway, that had a dead end, there was only a man. It had to be him. Maybe he controlled the gas or something, Barry reasoned in his head. "You murdered that woman!" he yelled. "She deserved to die" was his answer. Barry got goosebumps of his voice. The way he said it. It made him feel... not scared... but uncomfortable. He had a twisted mind. "Don't stand in my way. There's only one person left on my list. Don't make me add you on it" the man said. "There's no way for you to run" Barry yelled. "You sure about that?" he smirked after he said it. Barry frowned, wondering what he meant by it. There was no way that guy could be faster than him. He was the fastest man alive. But then, in a split second, the man in front of Barry turned into a green gas cloud. The gas went up and through this grating on the ceiling. Before Barry could do anything, it was gone. After a moment he just decided to go back to STAR labs.

Tomorrow will be my last tests! Biology and German (so gonna fail both of them). Ugh. I just want to write on Wattpad...

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