I am not

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Caitlin had ordered two cups of coffee and sat at a table waiting impatiently. She was tapping with his hand on the table when the waitress came to her table. "Two cups of coffee. One with extra milk" she smiled. "Thank you" Caitlin smiled, taking the one with extra milk. The door opened and Dr Wells drove inside Jitters. Caitlin was surprised to see that he was in a wheelchair. She hadn't heard a lot about him or STAR labs lately, except the part of the explosion. "Good morning, is it still morning? I guess, it's only eleven thirthy. I ordered a cup of coffee for you, do you drink coffee? Of course you do, who doesn't drink coffee?" Caitlin rambled. She stared at her coffee and shut her mouth. She had already said enough. She was nervous because she's always wanted to meet Dr Harrison Wells. She felt like she'd already blown her chance. "Hi, Caitlin Snow, right?" he looked grateful for the coffee and took a sip. "Yes, that's me" Caitlin responded awkwardly. "So, why did you want to meet?"

"Well, of course I heard about the explosion. I'm very sorry about that, by the way. I know you're probably not looking for new employees right now, but I've wanted to work at STAR labs for years! I think, if you were to start a new project, maybe to show the people of Central City that it was an accident and you want to do good in this world, then maybe you could hire me" Caitlin stopped as she felt like she was rambling again. She didn't want to scare him away right now. "That's... I don't think I'm going to start a new project soon, actually" Harrison Wells responded. "Please, hear me out. I graduated over a year ago. I'm a bio-engineer, a scientist, just like you. I can help you with anything. I'm also specialized in the Medical side!"

"I think we're done here" Harrison Wells put an empty cup back on the table and drove away. Caitlin watched him go and felt like she was going to cry. She had totally messed up her only chance by being rude. She was never rude! Why did she even say that? She sighed as she paid for the two cups of coffee and left. She made a mistake coming here and expecting she could get this job. She turned on the radio as she drove to her apartment. 


"Okay but we've got a problem" Barry said when he walked in that same evening. Cisco, who had been focussing on his computer for the last three hours, looked up, a bit startled. "Huh?" was the only sound his mouth produced at that point. "We have a problem" Barry repeated as he stood in front of the desks in the Cortex, staring at Cisco. "What?"

"Look, the last two - well, and only two - Metas we've faced, died. First, Mardon, and then, Multiplex. But we can't keep killing the bad metas. We need to lock them up somehow. We can't just put them away in Iron Heights because they're not equipped to keep metas there but-"

"Stop talking" Cisco held his hand towards Barry. "I have to call Dr Wells, but maybe we can design the Pipeline for this!"

"You want us to work with criminals right under our noses?"

"They're locked up, so what does it matter? Who better look after the metas than the experts?"

Barry shrugged, acknowledging Cisco was probably right. "I'm gonna call Dr Wells" he jumped up and walked away. Barry leaned on the railings of the desk. He sighed, thinking about all the random people in this city had gotten powers and wondering how many of them were using it for evil.

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