But Imma work it out

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"Barry? Barry?" Dr Wells started to get a bit worried when Barry didn't respond on comms. "I can't get any readings!" Cisco gasped and stood up. "I'm going to his last location, I'm taking the STAR labs van" he said and then sprinted out of the cortex. Dr Wells and Cisco stayed contacted through the comms. 

Cisco jumped into the car and raced to the industrial area. It took him ten minutes to get there. "Barry, if I get a speeding ticket, you better help me out" he yelled to no one. 

"Barry!" when Cisco saw him on the ground, he tried his best not to panic but it was his best friend that was lying on the ground, not moving. "And? Is Barry alright?" Dr Wells asked. "I have a pulse but he's unconscious. I'm bringing him back" Cisco sighed relieved. Then he got Barry in the back of the van and drove back to STAR labs. 


Barry slowly opened his eyes. For a moment, he didn't know what happened. His head hurt and so did his left arm. He sat up straight and noticed Cisco and Dr Wells. Both of them looked sad. Like they had bad news that they didn't actually want to tell him. And that was exactly what their facial expression meant. "Barry, Blackout took your speed" Cisco said with a 'I feel sorry for you' face. Now that Barry looked at them longer, he realized Dr Wells seemed kind of angry instead of sad. And he was. "Barry, I told you not to go after him!" he raised his voice and then a loud sigh followed. "I'm sorry, dr Wells, I thought I could handle him. But he absorbed my speed instead of getting hurt by it."

"That makes sense!" Cisco got excited again but dr Wells' glance slowed him down. "I have to get to work" Cisco grinned anyway. He ran to his chair in the cortex and no one could speak to him when he was focused on that one thing he had to accomplish. "Look, I have to go" Barry grunted in pain as he tried to stand up. "You need to rest, Barry. You've got a concussion and a broken arm. Your speed healing isn't working" dr Wells adviced. But Barry wasn't one to follow his advice. "I need to talk to someone" he got up and walked away anyway. 


"Okay, mom, bye" when Caitlin hung up the phone, she sighed. The communication between her mother and her wasn't great. There was no way Caitlin was spending some time in her apartment until she could get into her own. No, then she'd stay a week longer in Central City. If it was necessary, she'd stay in her apartment for a week to avoid having a conversation with Barry. All sounded so dramatic, but Caitlin knew herself. If they'd have a conversation together, she'd most likely forgive him because that was who she was. But she wasn't sure if she was ready to forgive him. He probably had one hell of a reason to leave her and never contact her again. For her, it just hurt. She thought they had something special. And then her mother was right and UGH. 

Caitlin walked from her car to the building. A strange feeling came over her, like she was being followed. She looked around the almost empty parking lot. She turned around. But no one seemed to be here. Until she turned around and she couldn't help but let out a scream. 

I'm so sorry for not updating regularly, for some reason I keep forgetting I have to keep updating this book... I hope you enjoyed this :)

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