If you think I have my life laid out

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Caitlin had thought a lot about her conversation with Dr Wells in the next couple of days. She realized she needed to make sure she got what she wanted. She had to pursue her dreams. So, on Friday she decided to pay him a visit. She was almost certain she could find him at his workplace. The bus left ten minutes ago, and Caitlin waited patiently with her bag on her lap. Her feet tapped a rhythm that she made up in her mind. Was she worried? Anxious? Insecure? Probably all of those. Would he be mad? Well, it was just a laboratories. Is wasn't like he was hiding something. On the fences there were stickers that said it was a hazardous zone. That no citizens were allowed here. She shrugged as she found the door.


Cisco was sucking on a lollipop. He had put his feet on the desk, while he was looking at his computer screen that showed a map of the city. If the Mist would use his powers, he'd show up on the map. The computers were linked to the satellites. They would pick up strange activity. That way, they's have his location the same instant he used his powers. The Flash would stop him. Cisco trusted him. Barry knew what he was doing - most of the time. For a moment, he looked up. In the wall, he'd made a place for the Flash suit. From the spot Cisco was sitting, it looked like it was shiny. It was one of his creations he was the most proud of. This would be the way he could help the world. Through Barry. By helping him. Even though he didn't have many medical skills, his brain was important. But it was still bothering him at this moment. What if he sent Barry in the field and he'd come back hurt badly. He wouldn't be able to help him. Should they find a doctor they could trust so he - or she - could help him when it was really bad? He'd discuss this with Dr Wells later, and also- Cisco startled out of his thoughts, almost dropping the lollipop, when he heard someone approach the cortex. It sounded like a woman because Cisco thought he was hearing heels. Quickly he removed his feet from the desk and hid Barry's costume. This wasn't Dr Wells nor Barry. No one else - except for Joe - knew his identity. Cisco chuckled, thinking of Joe with heels on. "Excuse me?" a sweet woman's voice called out. Cisco spun around in his chair, smiling bright with the lollipop still in his mouth. "Good morning" he greeted. "Hi, I'm looking for Dr Wells. Do you know if he's around?"

The first thing Cisco did, was look at his watch. He hadn't thought about it before, but Dr Wells was late. He should've been here about thirty minutes ago. It wasn't like him to be late. "Uuuuuuuuhhhh" he said for a long time, "I haven't seen him yet. I'll tell him you came see him or you can come back later?"

"Thanks, shall I write my name and phone number down?" she pointed to the pen on the desk. Cisco awkwardly nodded, handing her a piece of paper. 


About five minutes after Caitlin left, Dr Wells came in. "You just missed her!" Cisco exclaimed. Dr Wells frowned. "Her name is... Caitlin Snow. She left her phone number. She was looking for you" Cisco shrugged. Dr Wells opened his mouth to respond, but something on the computer beeped. "The Mist. He's at Iron Heights!" Cisco gasped. Then he speed dialed Barry. There was a sudden gust of wind and then it was gone. Barry, Cisco thought with a smile on his face. He got excited, putting all his faith in his new friend.

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