We Fail, We Fall

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"Relax" Barry held up his hands to surrender. "Idiot, I thought you were a psychopath!" Caitlin hit him on his upper arm. Barry mouthed an 'ow' though it didn't really hurt. "How did you find me?" Caitlin asked, putting her hands in the pockets of her coat because it was pretty cold. "Well, you met Cisco, right? He's like the best hacker in the world. So, he pinged your phone" mid sentence Barry realized it was intrusive and he made this face: 😬.

Caitlin ignored him and walked past him to get to her building. Unfortunately, he followed her. "I just want to talk" he said. "I don't."

"Come on, Caitlin, it was years ago. Why can't we just talk about it."

"Because I'm not ready to forgive you!" Caitlin yelled a bit too loud. Some people that walked close by looked at her. Caitlin sighed. "Just because I want to explain myself, doesn't mean you have to forgive me" Barry said calmly. "You know me, Barry. I'll probably feel bad for you, think horrible of myself because I've hated you for years and then forgive you!"

Barry couldn't deny that. But he did need to explain himself. "Can we please sit down together, I'm begging you. It's not what you think" he tried. Finally, Caitlin nodded and they walked inside, to her apartment.

After Caitlin put two glasses of water on the table and sat down herself, Barry started talking, "I want to start with apologizing for not reaching out to you, ever. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I couldn't."

"I called you over a hundred times" Caitlin said, exaggerating a bit. "I know." And then Barry started explaining the whole thing. All of it was the truth. He didn't want to lie now. He told her about how his mother was murdered and that his father was sent to prison. That he had to live with Iris and that he left after a couple of months because she kept making a move at him and that he stilled loved Caitlin. How he ended up on the streets and used his father's money to go to college. And then he told her how he became the Flash.

Caitlin just stared at him with a dropped jaw. She could punch herself in the face. All this time she had thought about how Barry had been so selfish but now she realized that it wasn't all about her. Barry had been through so much and she was just having a pity party for years, blaming him. "I- I'm so sorry" she whispered. "It's okay. I should've said something, I'm sorry too."

The two of them sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts, for longer than they expected. It already started to get dark when Barry stood up. "I should go home" he sighed, grabbing his jacket. Caitlin nodded absent. She felt a mental breakdown coming.

When Barry reached for the door knob, the entire door got busted open and Barry fell backwards. Caitlin jumped up from the couch. A man, sparkling with electricity, entered her apartment. "I need... more" he grunted. "Look, man, I can't give you any!" Barry yelled, thinking maybe he should have told Caitlin about this new villain they were facing. "You're the Flash... and I need... more" the man said. Then he struck Barry.

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