And we don't know who we are

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Before he could put the key in the lock, he heard things shatter and drop in his apartment. Barry thought for a moment someone was breaking into his apartment. Quickly, he got in. Though he had superspeed, he didn't feel super safe. His life was practically always in danger. But his heart eased once he realized it was not a thief. "What are you doing?"

"I'm agressive and furious and I needed to break something" Frost grunted without looking up.  "Stop! That's my tableware!"

Finally, Frost put down the plate she was holding and sat down. "What's wrong?"

"Caity doesn't remember me. I don't want to live without her!"

I know the feeling, Barry thought. But he didn't say the words out loud. "Look, we'll figure out a way to get her memory back, okay?"

"When, Barry? In a week or three years?" Frost stood up and walked to the door. Barry decided not to catch up with her. She needed space. And he needed to get to STAR labs because he felt his phone ring in his backpocket.

"What is it?" he asked after he sped in. "Look, we know you've got a lot on your mind, but there was another meta attack" Dr Wells said. "What happened?"

"A bank was robbed and the people arrested swore they were under a spell. Of course, the police didn't believe them. But we" Cisco interupted Dr Wells by clearing his voice, "Cisco searched video footage of the bank. There was someone there - a meta - who could have done this."

Cisco had mouthed Dr Wells a 'thank you' and then said, "Rage seems to be the key. He makes people angry and that's how they attacked the bank and robbed it. Security footage recognized him as Roy Bivolo. Has a criminal record, used to rob banks himself but now he's letting people do it for him." A great smile appeared onto his face and he giggled, "Prism, no debate, we call him Prism."

Barry rolled his eyes. "And how are we going to track him?"

"We don't know yet, we're busy. You should be ready to take him out whenever we find him. So keep your phone close" Dr Wells said. Just then, his phone went off. Barry took is and smiled when he read the name. "Hi Felicity" he said.

"It's Oliver, we're in Central City. Come meet us at Jitters" and just like that, Oliver hang up. "I have to go, see you later" Barry said and sped away. Cisco sighed and turned to Dr Wells. "How come he can just go wherever he wants and I need to sit here and work?"

"He's faster."

Hi, I'm going to camp this week, so no new chapters till next weekend. I'm sorry :(

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