Slightly crazy

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A week had passed and everything had sunk in. She would just pretend she knew she was doing with her life. After buying a newspaper, she sat down with a coffee at Jitters to look for a new apartment. Even though she'd only lived here for a short time, she knew she wasn't going to live here much longer. Back to New York it was. To her mother, whom loved her so much (not). But it was all better that to stay here and bump into Barry a couple of times per week and then pretend she doesn't know him. She's not ready to forgive him or hear the whole story. Because if there was a reason for him to leave her, then she'd be angry for nothing. No, she was just going to move back to New York and pretend these last couple of weeks hadn't happened. It would be easier for everyone. 

With a red marker, she circled one apartment. It was smaller than the one she was renting now but it had the same price - of course New York was more expensive. As long as she could get away and she wouldn't have to think about Barry again, it would be fine. Her mom would hire her probably as something in her way too large company. She finally had the money now. But now she didn't have to pay Dad's hospital bills. Caitlin didn't want to think about the past. Too many hard times. Too many sad days. Too many miserable days she could just throw herself off a bridge but didn't because people actually needed her (Did they though?). 

She put the cup of coffee back on the table, folded the newspaper and put it in her bag as she left. 


Barry was sitting on the couch of his own apartment, feeling lost. He had his hands in his hair, trying to figure out what he was going to say to Caitlin. Was she going to listen if he approached her or would she walk away from him? Probably the second thing. Then he had to find a way to explain. He didn't want them to end that way but guess what, he didn't have any other choice. If she only knew that. He glanced at his phone. It was 3.13 PM. He had to find her. The words would come out at the moment - he hoped they would, at least. Grabbing his jacket, he locked the door behind him, praying that her mind could still be changed. Ever since everything happened he felt horrible for not being able to reach out to her. Even if she would never want anything to do with him again, if she just understood, Barry would have peace with it. And then he could close that chapter of his life. 

Y'all I graduated!!! The graduation is next month but I got my grades back and woooowwwwww. Very happy :)) Btw, I hope y'all still like the story lol. 

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