70. Blood Money

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The spring air was crisp, and the sun was shining brightly down upon the village gardens. The flowers bloomed their aroma, and the rambunctious colors filled the grasslands.

The village that laid below Astoria and Draco's house was beginning to grow quite populated. The villager's tenants' young children began to grow, and many little tykes began roaming the streets. Smiles from cheek to cheek, and ongoing babbles of pretend sword fighting.

Astoria plucked the most vivacious of colored wildflowers and planted them into her basket. She scanned the grounds for the herbs she desired for her weekly brews.

The young witch had gotten into the habit of developing her alchemy skill and became obsessed with brewing new concoctions. Draco was often her test monkey, and it took quite some time for her to brew the correct ingredients with its partners. It was not uncommon that after Draco was finished being his wife's test subject he would have to retire to the loo for an hour, or two. However, over the years Astoria has perfected many potions, such as the Draught of Peace, Polyjuice (after many failed attempts) and the Invisibility potion.

"Here, take these. It is always handy to keep lavender leaves in your stores." Andromeda said.

Andromeda had become more than a friend to Draco and Astoria, she was family. After Andromeda found Astoria on the ground of the village three years ago, the young witch confided in her and told her everything. Astoria missed her mother and father dearly, and that is how she viewed Andromeda sometimes. The maternal figure she should have had in her life. Someone to help guide her through tough decisions, and aid when sick.

However, there was still an outstanding issue. Neither witch had informed Draco about what had been happening to Astoria these past four years. For all that time Astoria had been given a visit from the Dark Lord and he had been draining the youth from her mind, body, and soul.

Astoria made Andromeda swear on Merlin that she would not tell her nephew why her health was deteriorating. She felt awful for hiding such a secret from her husband, but these past years had been nothing but utter bliss. How could she tell him that sooner or later she was going to die an untimely death?

"Take these as well. You can plant peppermint leaves in your morning tea and say that it will aid your well-being."

Astoria huffed and took the peppermint willingly. All this time, she had broken a sacred vow to Draco. She had been feeding him lies, after lies, after lies. Astoria did not have the heart to break her husband's spirit.

There was a part inside of her that blamed Andromeda for the lies. After all, it had been her idea to make up the idea of an ancestral blood curse. The basis of the "curse" involved deteriorating health, and eventually it would take her life. Andromeda conveniently added in that if Astoria delivered a child, it would weaken her condition extensively and it would bring her to her ultimate demise faster.

When Draco heard that his wife had to bare the pain of a blood curse it shattered his world. Astoria held him for hours, and he clutched onto her like she was going to evaporate. She kept telling herself that not all of it was a lie. Every time the Dark Lord came to her for rejuvenation, she was in fact reaching her death faster. For several hours Draco cried with his wife over the fact she may never bare a child. They would never create a family of their own.

She kept telling herself it was better this way for Draco because he would not put the blame on himself. None of what was happening was his fault, it was Astoria's. She forced him down into the depths of this life with her. All for the sake of love.

As the witches continued to gather enough herbs to stock their personal stores, they trotted back to the village streets. Browsing through the various merchants and listening to their daily spiels regarding the fresh produce.

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