57. No Regrets

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Astoria sat upon the barstool twiddling the cocktail sword in her martini and patiently waited for Lilla to arrive. She found her eyes wandering around the bar and watching the muggles drink their cocktails, smoke their cigarettes, and have mindless chatter. Since the Ministry of Magic was on the look-out for followers of the Dark Lord, Astoria was forced to congregate in Muggle parts of Britain.

"Hey doll." Lilla said as she placed a peck on her best friends' cheek.

Astoria caught her friend up on everything that was happening in her life. The ordeal with Draco and her "engagement" ring was concerning. Astoria felt odd that Lucius gifted his wife's ring to her. Draco should have been the one to offer a ring to his fiancé, not her soon-to-be father-in-law.

"That is fucking weird, Tori. Lucius always gave me the creeps. I mean, I know Antonin is no peach to be around but at least he does not send shivers down one's spine." Lilla proceeded to take sips from her cocktail, and she grabbed Astoria's hand to regard her black diamond ring. Astoria noticed her friend's facial expression twist into something other than appreciation. She proceeded to question her friend about her expression.

"Oh-erm—nothing. It's just that—there is something off about this ring. Call me mental but, it is almost as if this ring has a mind of its own."

Astoria snatched her hand away and lit up a cigarette. "Lill, come on. That is completely mental. Even with magic there is no such thing as an inanimate object having its own mind."

Lilla took her friend's hand. "You know what I mean. Just be careful. I don't sense any dark magic in it. I merely feel a pull from it y'know?"

Astoria pondered at the thought behind the magic of her ring. Perhaps Lucius put a protection charm over it for Astoria's safety. Merlin knows that all men from the council are responsible for Astoria's safety. Especially, Lucius since he is to be her father-in-law sooner rather than later.

As Astoria took puffs from her cigarette, she noticed Lilla shifting in her seat. She always knew when something was on Lilla's mind, this girl was never quiet for more than two minutes at a time.

"Care for a smoke? Looks as if you need one." Astoria said while holding out her cigarette pouch.

Lilla shook her head and continued to sip on her cocktail. Now Astoria knew something was wrong, this girl has never refused a cigarette in her life.

"Okay Dubois, what is with you? You look dreadful."

Lilla chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Well, Greengrass, you always know when I have shit on my mind."

Astoria nudged her friend. What the hell was wrong with this woman? What could possibly be wrong in her life to make her look as awful as she did? Lilla was married to one of the most powerful men in the Wizarding World and she had more money than a young wife needed.

Always, Astoria Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat